Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wrapping Bibles

Busy today; wholesale warehouse, work, home, nap, and then doing up Bibles.  I only just started on wrapping them, but I like the way they look. 

{above} This is an "Invitation" New Testament, I have over 100 of them. 

{above} A NKJV Nelson Bible, whole Bible.  Yes, I put candy canes in the bag. 

Formatting got wierd on me - but this is a NIV whole Bible, I had several donated and was saving them for this handout.  I wanted a little "pretty" in addition to the wrapping, but I have to consider packing and transport.  Anyway, obviously a home effort and not professional; which is kind of the whole point.  I'm with Jesus and that's it, no other organization. 

Ron is pretty "loose" tonight.  Challenging.  I ask God to keep me strong. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather ~ Wanted to wish you a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Good luck with your Bible handout on Christmas Day! You did a fantastic job wrapping the Bibles! GOD BLESS YOU!!
