Monday, December 27, 2010

Turn your back on a customer

Whoo!  Already an exhausting day! 

Got up at 2.  Thinking hard and long about my choices.  Did my God Time, went to work. 

The other guy was there (the one who made the move, then got really angry when I refused).  He has been making a lot of "secret" phone calls.  His wife was furious all day, banging doors shut, turning her back on a customer!  I would NEVER do that! 

I hope I have never made a customer feel that way!  That's just something you DON'T DO!  They don't have to buy from us; they have plenty of choices.  They can go to Walmart, the gas station, they can go to that new donut shop down the street.  In these times, you can't afford to turn your back on a customer. 

An unhappy customer walks away and tells 10 people.  What do you think she is going to say?  It would not have been hard to stop what she was doing and smile at her.  Then answer the question; go back to work. 

Turning your back on, and ignoring, a customer is not good!  And then to turn around and complain loudly that "They are all working overtime, where is our money?"   Well, if you give them the finger, they will give it back. 

There's no law that says they HAVE to put their money in your vending machine. 

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