Thursday, December 2, 2010

I thought for sure...

From my understanding of the test results, Ron may have mild kidney disease (GFR > 60).  His BUN/Creat ratio is 8.9, low.  I can't find anything on a low rate.  That's it for the scary kidney stuff; liver and all looks fine. 

His HGB and HCT are low, his RDW is high.  I know the first 2 results mean anemia, but a little clueless on #3. 


I told him today, the test results (he has had 3 AIC tests that came back out of normal range) indicate he IS diabetic.  He is anemic (that is the least of my worries), and the kidneys are "wierd".  I strongly encouraged him to call Doc and set up an appointment. 

Maybe they can change his medication.  We'll see.  In the meantime, giving it to Jesus. 

Funny, I thought for sure it would be his LIVER. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I agree with the liver! you absorbed the info about Ron better than most patients and families I know!

he still needs to stop drinking hopefully his doctor talked about it ..both kidneys and the diabetes ..drinking can be very very damaging
but that is up to him as you well know ...good luck and while it sounds bad to have all this stuff going on is all stuff that can be "dealt" with so hang in there ..maybe they will send him to a dietitian ..but not medical advice here ..the way you are eating is PERFECT for a diabetic you know :) have fun today Heather .back to work today for me after our anniversary week off ..32 years and counting!