Friday, December 17, 2010

Not neglecting my God Time.

Not feeling very bloggy today; still trying to crawl out of this depression and "deal". 

A LOT of talking... talking, talking.  Maybe I am so talked out I have nothing left for the blog? 

I do feel, unlike every other time, that Ron has a much BETTER understanding of my viewpoint.  We'll see. 

I have the online application submitted; interesting to do the personality test.  I can say I am 1000% honest; and I will let them know about the bipolar during the interview, emphasizing my medication. 

Like I told Ron "For a night-time stocker job, they are not going to get the cream of the crop".  If God wills it, they'll see me as the best of the worst.  [laughing]

The pay is $2 an hour better than I expected. 

And, should we keep it together; I can always use my wages to make some improvements.  I have tiles falling off the walls of my shower.  Wrong drywall behind that; not waterproof, soaks up all that water.  Rotted boards, ick.  Not gonna be cheap.  Ron fell in the shower and put his head through the wall; years ago.  Good thing we did have the wrong drywall. 

I need to work on being positive; and not neglecting my God Time.  I have been doing that a little. 

I need to do laundry; I did the dishes last night, and I need to start prepping Bibles. 

Oh, and today I had to stop someone from stealing 2 bags of candy.  She asked for sugarfree, which I gave her.  She complained bitterly that it was "small" (did this last time).  I reminded her sugar alcohols are laxative. 

I gave the other lady a bag.  The first woman grabbed it out of her hand, put the sugarfree inside, and stuck it in her pocket.  I just looked at her for a second, then gave the second lady ANOTHER bag of candy.  The first one reaches out AGAIN.  "What have you got in there?" 

NO, I told her.  You already stole one bag of candy.  You're not getting another!  Then I turned around and gave a bag to the bagger. 

The next time I see her, I will tell her, you get a choice, EITHER sugarfree or regular, and no stealing! 

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