Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hebrews 10:30

Ron got a little better, but was in a pretty irritable mood for a while.  I did a very good job of staying out of it.  I did a good job of refusing to be infected by negativity.  Ron's problem is his problem; if he wants to be angry, that's his choice.  I am not responsible for his moods. 

We went to the warehouse and got our supplies; I got some new Driver Candy.  In particular, I got some De La Rosa marzipan candy for the "Spanish" and a giant sack of Dum-Dums for the regular candy.  I got some Raisinets for the vending machines and plenty of potato chips to last us a bit.  I stocked it ALL.  The machines look a lot better, but I do need a few more items.  [sigh]  This is when I wish I had a car, and could get it all in one trip; instead of little dribbles on public transit.  I can only take so much on the vehicle, obviously. 

We may, or may not, order from our wholesaler on Friday morning.  We need to do a thorough inventory.  I secretly hope we will NOT.  [sigh]  Not a big fan of the 2 AM wakeup. 

Tomorrow, I get up at about 3:30.  We go to Foodtown (I need more eggs and soda, still have tons of meat and plenty of veggies), and go home.  Then we go to work, work, and go home.  Then we go to a new Mexican Food place that has good reviews.  Ron's very excited about the last. 

So, we went to the warehouse.  Our ride came to get us; he was a nice guy and Ron called in a compliment.  The other client actually kicked the driver in the leg, shouting "Giddy-yap!"  I was horrified.  As we traveled, I realized she also had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in addition to her other, obvious, disability.  I could say a few nasty gossipy things but I'm working on that.  It was very sad to watch her and wonder at her life, the people in it, and wonder what she does all day. 

We rode for about 2 hours, just "going to work".  However, Ron had 2 straight trips yesterday so I knew we'd "pay".  We finally got to work.  I had urgent bladder business.  Brought in everything and stocked it; we actually had to delay our pickup. 

Business is better, but I doubt we will ever see the sales we had 9 years ago.  Fortunately (shrug), we can live on the cheap.  I told the Christian gang at work about my handout.  A lot of open-mouthed gaping.  I asked them to pray for the recipients.  Please do, if you pray.  :)  And, pray for the NEXT batch, and for me to have an awesome handout Christmas morning! 

We had a great ride home!  I was pretty exhausted and went to bed.  When I got up, Ron asked me if I wanted to go out and made a snide comment about fatigue. 

You know.  Times like that, I'm not going down to that level.  I could make a really cutting remark; ask him to go for a run, for instance.  Ask him if he'd DRIVE me somewhere... but I'm not doing that.  Hebrews 10:30 says "Vengence is mine, I will repay" says the Lord.  Also, "The Lord will judge His people." 

I think it is kind of sad.  When Ron is like that, I look at him and see a pawn being used by the Devil to hurt me.  And he's allowing it.  Even sadder. 

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