Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'll be back.

So, Ron and I went to Burger King.  We had a bit of a wait to come home, but [shrug] it's hard to remember a time when we just walked everywhere.  We did, though. 

I've never just gotten in my car and driven home when I was done, either.  So, waiting around and using a questionable public bathroom, just part of the picture. 

I had a LOVELY burger, and another one awaits me in the fridge.  I might make some pumpkin pudding, too. 

Came home, took a half-hour nap.  That's all I need on the Wellbutrin.  I had a pretty nasty headache when I woke up this morning, and took Excedrin twice today.  Excedrin has tylenol, which raises lithium levels.  I made sure to drink A LOT of liquids! 

I'm going to go hit my God Time, take my shower, call Mom & Dad.  Probably do a video blog, too.  I'll be back. 

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