Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I need to go do my God Time.

Ugh.  Nasty headache all day. 

I didn't do much today; spent some quality time with Ron, caught up on laundry.  Planning my next Big Bible Handout (most likely Thanksgiving); I'll have a 2 sided sign.  One side will say "Happy Thanksgiving" the other side "Free Bibles".  That should be fun. 

I'm just cooking a chicken and some ham; pumpkin pudding, and some beef & veggie soup.  Ron loves my soup, and has no idea how many veggies it contains. 

I've done some nice things for myself, I bought 2 nice wool blankets from Harbor Freight tools, for the disaster kit.  I have one already, it's on my bed.  It's very cozy.  I moved the bed and I'm rearranging the bedroom.  I really like it.  I got a lovely New Testament from the bookstore yesterday, a HCSB version, only $5.  It has fake leather and everything.  I slept in today. 

Tomorrow promises to be pretty fun, too.  I go to the warehouse, get some chips for work.  Then we go to work and stock them.  After work, we meet Chuck and run some errands. 

I need to go do my God time, first, though. 

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