Monday, November 8, 2010


Or Goodmorning, or Goodafternoon, where-ever you are. 

I just wanted to say, night.  I hope things are going well. 

NEVER, EVER forget I pray for you on an at-least daily basis.  I am thrilled and humbled that I get so many hits from so very many different place in the world!  Wow! 

It brightens my day to log in here, process, and share my thoughts.  I always pull away from the computer a better, clearer, person than when I sat down. 

I think of you often as I go about my day.  I know you smile with me and cry when I do. 

Thank you. 


Anonymous said...

Heather ~ THANK YOU for praying for me and know that I think of you often and pray for YOU!


P.S. I've been busy getting ready to move. I can't remember my password to sign in! LOL


Helen said...

Love you Heather!! xx