Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Once a year or so.

It's really odd, but it happens to me maybe once a year.  I would be very interested in finding out if anyone else has had a simliar experience. 

Last night, I was doing computer things and talking to Ron, when I was suddenly hit with a wave of massive fatigue.  I told him "I need to go to bed" and did so.  As I lay in bed, trying to fall asleep, I was hit with the chills.  I was freezing, and kept piling blanket after blanket on the bed.  My muscles ached and I begged God to help me get over this, whatever, it was, before I had all the kids knocking on my door for candy.  I did not want to be contagious.  Oddly, my throat felt fine. 

A few hours later , I woke up.  I rearranged the covers, ending up in my more usual 1-2 lighter blankets.  The chills and muscle aches were gone.  I had a vicious headache (I am linking that to my consumption of processed low-carb "Frankenfoods" yesterday).   I went back to sleep, woke up again around 3 AM, took some asprin and got some Diet Dr Peppers which I placed next to the bed. 

I woke up again around 7 with an even nastier headache.  I took some Excedrin (thank God I bought a little bottle yesterday), and went back to sleep.  Ron woke me up around 20 minutes ago and I feel pretty good.  I still have the "edges" of the headache and I will stay close to the Excedrin, but I'll live. 

This whole chills - fatigue - muscle ache thing happens to me every year or so.  Does it ever happen to you?  I figure my body just fought something off; since I'm out in public and use public transit God only knows what. 

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