Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm glad he's in my life

I deliberated quite a bit on what to say... but first a little about my day. 

Ron was reading a romance novel and the hero got some advice on letting his wife know he loved her.  Imagine my surprise when Ron made cute noises to wake me up.  I sat up, "Huh?" 

"I love you, Heather."  Oh, I love you too.  I got ready to lie down.  "What time is it [petname]?"  Heather, one hour till pickup! 

AGH.  Alarm screwup!  Poor God got screwed out of his Time.  Not only that, I didn't have a chance to bag up a single bag of candy.  I got dressed, ate, and took my pills, that's about it. 

I found Ron's new attitude a joy and a wonder.  He's really grasped the "Let Heather know she is valued and appreciated" concept.  A big thumbs up to God. 

Our first driver was kind of somber.  Her husband had died a month ago!  Yike.  Ron and I consoled her as best we could, and I gave her the only bag of candy I had. 

Due to a probable tampering issue, one of our snack machines had developed a problem.  The buyer could barely get their hand into the machine to retrieve the product!  Not only that, we had the coffee issue I mentioned yesterday. 

We called Luis.  I love Luis.  He is honest and dependable.  He does quality work with guarantees.  He is reasonable. 

He came out and fixed both machines.  Yay!  I am so glad he is happily married.  He's the kind of guy you WANT to be happy. 

Happily, snacks needed MORE stocking!  That's 3 times just this week.  I love overtime.  I also needed to refill the soda machine.  Other than that, pretty quiet.  I got the milk and stocked it. 

As we left, we ran into Walter at the credit union.  He's on my "hug list" because he was so wonderful to me after Ron's accident.  He'd pray over Ron, ask how I was doing, NEVER complained about any trouble to visit, and always got me lunch.  He is happily married, a guy I love to see.  We agreed to "friend" on Facebook. 

Our ride came and we headed off to the bad housing project I mentioned yesterday.  It was very sad to see the obviously high young woman walk up and attempt to hire the cab.  I will admit to a fair amount of nerves as he unloaded the elderly client and filled out his paperwork.  I can only imagine the horror of making a late-night drop. 

Horribly, 2 Houston Yellow Cab drivers have been murdered this week:  I am praying for safety and justice.  [shaking my head]  Awful.  These guys work 14-16 hour days killing themselves to make some money and serve others, and that's what they get? 

We went to see a friend of Ron's.  He is a nicer old man.  I don't think he and I would be friends if we didn't know Ron.  We just don't have much in common. 

Ron talked about his Piano Tuning days... yup, he can tune a piano!  Once, we walked into a piano store and he began "testing the temperment" - playing various chords to determine the resonance... and it sounded AWFUL!  I am tone deaf and I could tell it was badly out of tune!   The salesman begged us to leave! 

This is where I go into the thinking a lot about what I would type, and what I'd want typed about Ron if I wasn't around.  Ron's friend doesn't have a woman in his life, doing all those little womanly touches. 

Don't get me wrong; my house is messy.  Right now I have a cat food dispenser, a bottle of water, a postal scale, some mail, and some soda for the drivers (we offer them a cold drink, going or coming to the house) sitting on the kitchen table.  My kitchen counters are messy.  I have dirty dishes in the sink, and Ron eats a lot of TV dinners (he loves them).  He has to remind me to make "Your delicious tuna". 

But he knows he is loved and cared for.  When he accidentally sat down on the toilet seat after I sprayed it with cleanser, he laughed about it.  I think it goes back to what I tell people about the Group Homes: you can pay them lots of money, but you can't make the caregivers love them.  Love is most important. 

Ron could probably get a "provider" who could give him a spotless house, but they wouldn't love him.  They wouldn't sit out back in the plastic chair and enjoy the sun with him.  They wouldn't love the cat. 

We got stuck at the guy's house for hours.  It gave me a lot of time to think about MY role in Ron's life.  I realized I play a very important role: I love him.  It's not about what I do for him (37 items just at work, the last time he made a list!), but what I FEEL for him. 

And what he feels for me.  I'm glad he's in my life.  He's hurting right now, and that pains me, but it's worth it. 

I got a little depressed earlier, but took 1/2 a Wellbutrin and a "little" (150 mg) lithium, and feel a lot better.  My vitamins came so I also have my Inositol (a B vitamin supposedly depleted by the use of Lithium).  It can't hurt.  It's also supposed to be good for hair and I worry mine might be getting a little thin at the back of my head. 

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