Friday, October 29, 2010

Hannah's Vow

I had to make some choices tonight; and chose to turn off the TV and blog with you before I do my God Time and go to bed. 

I got up at 6-something, on my day off.  My morning God Time was mildly disturbing, as I encountered the Bible verse "I have tested you in the furnace of affliction" TWICE, in two different devotionals. 

I wondered silently just what my day might hold.  Our ride was over an hour late, I entertained myself watching "I didn't know I was pregnant".  The overwhelming message: the mothers would do anything to ensure their babies were healthy and happy, and are tormented by their decisions to drink/smoke during pregnancy (even though they didn't even know!). 

God does use that show to remind me how much my mother did love me, and she would have never knowingly consumed so much alcohol if she'd had any idea it would harm me.  God needed me like this; so He allowed it to happen.  I do feel my mother's very proud of me. 

I've never shared this, not even with Ron.  Have you ever read the beginning of First Samuel?

Scroll down to "Hannah's Vow". 

"For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. 28 Therefore I also have lent him to the LORD; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the LORD.”  

My mother had had several miscarriages before my birth.  Then my brother died at only a few weeks old.  I am CONVINCED she begged God for me, and said "If you let me have this child I'll give it back to You."   I know this; as surely as I know my name is Heather. 

My mother asked God for me, and then gave me back to His service.  I had been handing out the Bibles and all for quite a while before this came to me.  I have no way to verify; but I know. 

God needs me like this; and has called me from birth to share Him.  I pray I'm useful! 

I figured we had a higher purpose going on with the trip screw up.  We were supposed to get to Walmart around 9 AM, we got there at 10.  Metrolift called a contract regular cab, who got the candy.

I stuffed Ron in the kiddie cart and we ran our errands.  Halloween candy (Candy Corn flavored taffy, some bubble gum - Ron's idea, and 3 bags of Snickers - this is all on top of what I've already done), check.  Soda for me, check.  I got some more Excedrin and carefully tucked it into my backpack after paying. 

We got Ron a snack, and then waited.  More waiting!  Another half hour! 

The driver had a little difficulty understanding "He goes, I stay".  She got candy - I had bagged up a huge SACK of Bibles/candy last night.  I gave nearly all of it away, too.  Keep me useful! 

Ron eventually left.  I made my deposit.  My guy needs to eat (I sponsor a missionary, well, part of him)!  I got a bag of peanuts and went off to the thrift stores. 

I went to the first, secretly hoping to score some really good Bible deals.  Ugh.  The "Christian" books they had were so stale and lifeless.  Like getting shredded cardboard in your cereal bowl!  I did find a pretty, hand-knit sweater in a lovely shade of pumpkin.  It was only $4.  It is a lovely wool, too. 

I rolled off (hand cart today), and went to the other store.  I found a book on evangelism, appreared interesting, and I can't find it now.  Oh well, charitable donation.  I bought a book "One Minute After You Die" and Ron accidentally gave it to his boss.  [shrug]  I'm just the mechanism to get them into the proper hands, maybe.  I'm not going to worry about them. 

After that I went to the other store.  I really liked the rose pink seed stitch sweater, and it fit, but felt it was a little "spendy" at $5.  However, the manager said all the clothes were half off, so I went ahead and got it.  It's really cute.  I can see me wearing it. 

I debated going to Favorite Dollar but it was pretty late for a Day Out.  I chose to go to the warehouse store, and saw they DID NOT have my jar of Now and Laters.  I got a tray of pastries instead, and some tote bags.  I have decided I like the new tote bags.  They're different, but good.  Wow, that wool sweater is REALLY warm.  I had to take it off! 

I had decided to go to Favorite Christian, and Starbucks.  I took the Starbucks the bank supply catalog, featuring locking tip jars.  Only a slime mold would steal from a tip jar! 

I told Favorite Christian I loved the best, and meant it.  I had a fun time and actually bought myself a "One Year Chronological Bible".  I am not happy with one of my devotionals, one I bought.  It's a little New Agey for my taste.  I plan to retire it and read this instead. 

The only thing better than the Bible, is more Bible, in my book.  I think many good Christians get distracted and read all kinds of stuff about the Bible and God, but they're not digging into the Bible.  I want to dig into the Bible as much as possible for my "meat".  Sure, read some other stuff, but that's not the meal, just the condiments. 

I'll put up photos of my candy and all tomorrow after I finish bagging it.  I need to go hit my God Time and go to bed.  Tomorrow's an early morning! 

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