Saturday, October 30, 2010

I can't have a dull day

An interesting trip to Foodtown after I did my video blog.  It's beautiful weather, mid 70's, clear, sunny, and mild.  I got my hand cart and headed out. 

I had a good trip, handed out a couple of Bibles on the bus, got off and headed into the store.  My handcart fit in the new shopping carts so I had an easy time. 

I got my soup veggies, 3 pounds of turkey dogs, etc.  I had $40 and spent it pretty well, I think.  I also got my Diet Dr Peppers. 

I handed out some more stuff to the cashier and the bagger, then headed out.  THAT's when things got ugly. 

The last time I saw a young man that jumpy, I got mugged.  The guy was obviously manic AND in withdrawal.  He kept making sudden movements and frankly scared me. 

I also saw a large form sprawled on the floor of the bus shelter.  So much for sitting on the bench.  I asked another man "Is he alive?"  I could just see everyone ignoring the poor soul as it died. 

He got an attitude "SHE IS FINE!  She's just drunk!"  Well, excuse me for caring.  For a woman to put herself in that situation... [shudder]  Fortunately it was still daylight.  Some people were laughing and pointing. 

The young man creeped me out enough that I have a new policy, if I don't like the looks of someone at the bus stop, go back to Foodtown and wait on the next bus.  If they're still there, call a cab. 

I picked up my quite heavy cart and prepared to board the bus.  Thug Jr got on in front of me and then took his time fumbling for money to put in the meter.  The regular bus riders all carry a bus card; it's electronic bus fare.  I got on and the driver stomped on the gas immediately.  I almost fell.  This happened 3 times during our trip. 

I paid my fare, verified I did not need to recharge my card (still have $1.40 left), and sat down.  Thug Jr kept pestering the bus driver.  "Why don't you like me?  Why won't you talk to me?'   Fortunately for me, I wasn't his type. 

Then I got off the bus and saw a bunch of young women loitering at the bus stop.   With a toddler.  I was a little worried Thug Jr would come off the bus after me, but in retrospect, he wanted his fix and we don't have any dealers in the neighborhood. 

I got off and a woman with very cold eyes looked me up and down.  Good thing I didn't have my fanny pack, and was obviously dressed in discount clothes.  It's very obvious on review that my whole outfit, with underwear, cost about $40.  As I rolled off, I wondered why we had a pack of young women on the corner now, it's like something out of the really bad neighborhoods.  Was the toddler their mascot? 

And I wonder why I stay home on weekends!  As I moved into the subdivision, I heard angry shouting and the cries of the toddler being beaten.  [sigh]  Sad, sad, sad. 

We live in #4, and #8 got evicted a few months ago.  They rented to a new family.  Their little girl keeps hovering around our house.  She reminds me of "Cherry" - a little girl who showed up several years ago.  Remember, at the time I was completely insane and unmedicated. 

I would get so angry everytime I'd see her outside, thinking "Doesn't your mother even CARE you are hanging out at the house of a mentally ill woman?  What if Ron's a child molester?"  The "stalking" got so bad Ron and I would refuse to answer the door, and he had a little talk with her about how I was "Sick in my head" and "Very tired all the time".   I felt awful for her, and this one too, but [sad head shake] I learned the hard way you can't love other people's kids. 

Happily I am sure she will bang on the door tomorrow and get some Jesus.  I hope she makes a nice little friend in the neighborhood.  It's hard to be an adult in these times, even harder to be a child. 

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