Friday, October 30, 2020

Some of Thursday and Friday

 Well, I'm getting better, ate and took my pills.  Ron was really a star in all this he did a great job taking care of himself.  That's a big load off me, I could just focus on getting better.  

I am still pretty weak but I should be OK for work tomorrow.     

Tomorrow: Pretty groggy and tired, woke up with a headache.  I managed to beat it off, went to work, stocked what I could.  Sales were good enough I got paid, I went to the bank and then to Walmart.  

I got everything on the list and even a few things I was running low on and thought I couldn't afford to replace right now.  I did forget the kitchen trash bags but I should be OK another week or so.  

I called Arturo to come home first (more expensive) but he was busy so I took a Uber.  The driver was very helpful with the bags.  I had some energy when I got home, so I: immediately washed my hands, put everything away, took off my clothes, and took a shower.  I will wash the clothes tomorrow most likely.  But that's a good protocol for a pandemic and at risk elderly in the house.  

Ron was happy I brought him some chicken strips, which he had requested several times.  I even found his panino.  He really enjoys a bite of one at pill time, and they are loaded with protein.  

He has been fine listening to his radio all day.  I have gotten in the habit of leaving him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich when I leave the house, so he has an additional snack if he gets hungry.  He ate most of his, today, before I got back to him with the chicken.  

I made my deposit so I can pay my credit card.  I really think things could get ugly next week so I plan to stay home.  Now I can.  

I am not super hungry today, Ron kept nagging me to get myself a little treat at Walmart so I got a 3 ounce package of smoked salmon and ate that after I put everything away.  But that has pretty much been it except for a one ounce bag of chips.  

I plan to have a peanut (Wowbutter which is a soy product and nut-free) butter and jelly sandwich for dinner.  I also got some rye as I thought some tuna on rye sounded tasty.  I am very careful not eating peanut butter as it is a huge migraine trigger, but I will probably make my sandwich first and then his.  I keep his in the fridge until he has eaten up the first one.  It is working for us.  I like we can leave it out (in a ziploc) for hours and it is fine.  You can't really do that with a meat based sandwich.  

That's it for now.  

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