Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Long day, but according to Google Fit I got 20 "Heart points".   Not bad!  

So, I got up, made some tea, did my God Time.  Fed the cats.  They only want me to feed them in the morning so I am doing that.  

Ron woke up, talked to him.  I said I was thinking about going to vote (it is not far), walking each way so I could see if it was passable for the wheelchair.  Most of the route has sidewalk so it ought to have been OK, but we thought that back in 2016 I think and it was not, Ron had to get up and walk at several points, and there is no way he could do that now.  

I left the house with my voter card and my ID, and a mask as well.  I figured, correctly, they would require a mask.  

I don't know if I mentioned Jack lives in the neighborhood.  So he pulled over when he saw me and gave me a ride.  He didn't know where to vote and I teased him our votes would cancel each other out!  He laughed.  He said he would go back tomorrow, he had things planned for today.  

It does take longer to vote now they took out the straight ticket vote.  I had a short wait in line, told to use sanitizer and don a little (my phrase) finger condom on my right index.  I "signed" a tablet and was given my number, went over to my booth.  It took a while but I voted my conscience which at the end is all you can do.  

I did have a little puzzle at one point, a democrat vs. a liberitarian.  I voted for the lib.  

All done, they had me exit out to the side not the main entrance.  There were discarded finger condoms all over.  I put mine in my bag, took OFF the mask, and drank the Diet Mountain Dew I had brought to the party.  

I walked home, it took a while because the sidewalk verges were overgrown with prickly and itchy things that kept slapping my legs.  No way I could get Ron through here.  I got home and talked to Ron, said voting is basically the same but he will have to get a ride home.  

I figured I was up, dressed, had my bra on 😂, I might as well do the bank deposit.  So I did that and went to Walmart because my feet were starting to bother me, which means I needed new shoes.  I found 2 pair for about $14 each, they do surprisingly well and are good for about 6 months for me.  I will rotate them as well.  Ron wanted some chips which I got him.  I got some Tazo Wild Sweet Orange tea.  I came home.  

Ron and I had a little disagreement, he was referencing a bottle of "something" on his book case and kept saying "Second from the left".  There was only the one bottle.  How can you have a second if you don't have a first?  I was baffled and felt he wasn't very nice about it, either.  

We got that sorted and I tried to take a nap but not tired.  Ron said he was reading the epilepsy book and finding it interesting.  Good, I think it is really important for him to be informed about his condition.  I did tease Ron his rock-climbing days are over.  

I have no idea what I'm doing for dinner, some sort of protein though.  And... I did tuna and egg salad.  

Ron told me to wake him up at 4 for the game because he "didn't want to set the alarm and wake me up"  I told him go ahead because I was going to be up anyway.  I figured that was done with.  

I was actually praying.  In a literal sense.  When Ron woke up at 4:05 furious I hadn't woken him up, carrying on that he "could" have missed the game and acting like he had, when, in fact, he missed 2 guys up at bat.  So I'm sitting in the orange room explaining I told him to set the alarm.  And he is saying things like "You didn't wake me up on purpose, hoping I would miss the game".  He can really attribute all sorts of sick things I wouldn't dream of doing.  I didn't bother to "defend" myself from that, that is how his game is played, I am out to "get" him and I have to "prove" I am not.  It really upsets him when I say "Whatever you think" and ignore all the wild accusations.  He didn't get what he really wanted, which was for me to have a meltdown and throw myself on his "mercy" the way I used to.  But the balance of power has shifted DRAMATICALLY he can't just throw me out on a whim like he could have in CA.  

I will admit I asked God to take the anger and help me clear my head, before I continued.  I didn't say anything ugly or spiteful, and I helped him later when he asked.  I even offered him some of my tuna salad, which he then criticized for a couple of minutes.  I just said "Whatever" and finished eating my portion, which at first didn't have ENOUGH lemon pepper and then had too much.  But it was still good.  I like the contrast of the hard boiled egg and the tuna.  So Ron had a little of that and I ate the rest.  It was very good and completely low carb.  

AND I made some delicious tea.  I had decaf green tea, I got 4 bags.  I got one quart sized decaf black tea bag.  Lastly one standard sized bag of spearmint tea.  I brewed it up, I did the black and mint first, let it sit a minute, and then added the green so it wouldn't get bitter.  I let that steep the appropriate amounts of time and yanked the bags, added a little sweetener and a whole lot of ice, and I have the best iced tea.  I used a small amount of real honey and it is superb.  

Then I took a shower, I was pretty gritty from running around all day.  I am debating going to check the mail tonight.  

I am set for sales tax either way, if the form arrives in the mail I can mail it back.  If it doesn't come in the mail I made the deposit to cover the sales tax by check or online payment.  And I have used the State of Texas online payment system for our monthly fees.  So there's that could come today.  

And maybe my parents sent me something.  Ron's jacket doesn't come for 2 weeks so I will be patient on that.  I don't take him out much anyway.  I don't know what I'll do.  I could use a treat (I just got one but you can call me greedy).  

I think I will go but I will give it another hour.  

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