Friday, October 2, 2020

OOOh I am beat

 Got up at 4:50, pill time.  I had a massacre in my sheets last night.  Period is two weeks late but it came with a vengeance.  I had one of my horrible menstrual headaches as well.  So I got up, did the pills, cleaned up, treated the blood stains with my shout (worked perfectly) and took a walk.  I did it for about 20 minutes I think.  I am trying to go easy so my body can adjust.  It was a nice walk, nice and cool, had the whole neighborhood to myself, very good lighting at the park as well.  

I came home, took my shower, and did my God Time.  I took care of Ron off and on he is not constant care but often needs a small favor now and then.  He is always nice about it these days.  My little talk about would you want to take care of someone with a crappy attitude, some time back, has stuck.  

My aunt came at 11.  I had a list of errands I had to run.  First, Krogers to buy Metrolift tickets.  I got enough for 16 trips.  Then Walmart for some things I had forgotten last time I went shopping.  The eyeglass shop, which worked out REALLY well for her as she found some she loves and they are far more reasonable than what she is used to paying.  I got my frames tightened.  Then off to Arby's.  We got takeout and ate at home, nice to know we could sit on my couches and eat.  She brought me some art they bought on their trip and I have it above the computer.  She brought me some other goodies as well.  

A stray cat "littered" on her back fence and I loaned her my trap to catch the kittens and hopefully Mom cat. I also gave her the goodies, including a giant sack of unopened cat food.  I had bought it back when I thought 😂 I could keep Biscuit out of the regular food.  I soon determined that would not work.  And a lot of canned cat food it should be easy to bait the trap.  And some fun things too.  

She was very happy and I'm glad I told her to empty the trunk!  

We had a good time and she left.  

Ron then told me he had developed a problem and it was really bothering him.  I told him several times I would go to Walmart if he needed, but, I cautioned, I didn't want him to wait until the middle of the night because none of them are open all night anymore.  So he decided he would like me to go and get him some remedies (nothing terribly urgent but important to him).  So I went, I found a couple of things.  

When I got home I realized this is more of a nerve pain issue so I gave him some Advil too.  He isn't complaining any more.  And I sought counsel from my caregiver group on the other issue.  

I was happy to get some taffy for the kids, it is the good kind not the horrible orange and black.  This is various fruit flavors and very good (I tried one before I started handing them out, some time back).  I have enough to put at least 1 piece in each bag.  I also have some sort of party mix various hard candy, gum/lollipop/taffy mix, and the straight taffy.  About the only other thing I might get is some gum. I was very surprised when I was handing out candy to drivers, many went straight for the gum first thing.  But I am getting to a very nice bag of candy which will of course include the full sized snickers bar.   The house is so spacious I have tons of room to bag it up, which is great.  

So I came home, did what I could for Ron, and cooked the hamburger.  I took it out to thaw 2 nights ago thinking it would be thawed last night.  It was not.  Ron didn't mind, I fed him some roast chicken out of the freezer (heated up of course!), but it did thaw today. I don't like to leave meat uncooked if I can avoid it so that meant standing in front of the stove so be it.  

I have HAD food poisoning and it is horrible.  It would be a disaster with Ron on the commode chair.  So I cooked it up, put it in a ziploc, and into the fridge.  I will finish making the hamburger helper tomorrow.  

I got to hand out a couple Bible promise books today which makes me happy.  I hate to think of someone struggling without God to lean on.  That is what drives me.  I don't judge, I don't condemn or point fingers.  I just want to point out that awesome guy over there who died for you and would love to hear all your problems.  

That's it for now.  

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