Monday, October 26, 2020


 I forget how I slept last night, got up at 4:45, gave Ron his pills (I do blood pressure and seizure in the morning, multivitamin and seizure in the evening), went back to bed for a little bit.  I believe I had a horrible nightmare.  I got up and took care of everything.  I made Ron a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat if he got hungry and didn't want the other 3 things he has on his bookcase😂.  I can't do peanut butter but I have soy butter for me which is about as good, and no headache.  Ron gets crunchy peanut butter.  

I had it in the cupboard, unopened, when the mouse got in and I used that jar to bait the traps.  I was careful to put it on a disposable spork, and throw the spork away, but it baited a mouse trap.  So I put it under the sink and bought another jar for Ron.  He is eating the fresh, mouse-free peanut butter.  He enjoys the sandwiches and they are easy enough to make.  I just have to remember not to lick the little bits of peanut butter off my hands if I get some when I'm working.  

I went to work, sales were dead.  Let's draw that out... deaaad.  So pitiful I didn't even take the money out.  I did stock canned and bottled soda, which I had mainly come in to do.  People asked about Ron, which I found sweet.  

I left after I did everything and came straight home, Ron was snoring away.  My return-home routine is interesting.  I had a bottle of soda in my hand.  So I went to the sink and washed it, and my hands.  I wrapped my cell phone in a disinfecting wipe.  I took off my clothes.  I checked on Ron, he was fine snoring away.  Ideally I would have taken a shower.  

I took a nap for a little bit then got up and talked to Ron, helped him find a urinal he knocked off the bookcase (happily an empty one).  I made some iced tea for myself, I used some spice teabags and some plain tea.  It is nicely spicy.  

I took a walk for about half an hour, my foot is doing much better.  I wore some of my new sneakers for the walk.  I did some stretching after, I find it helpful to stretch out my shoulder periodically.  I am on the computer a lot and I have a stocking job, so I am always using my shoulders.  It is easy enough to pamper them with some stretching.  

Ron's occupational therapist gave me a book of exercises for upper body.  It has a whole section on shoulders so I try to hit that a few times a week.  And I have my stretching book; between them I think I am doing alright.  

And I got some of my goals for the day so I am happy.  I need to give Ron his medication in about an hour and then I will check the mail.  I am not expecting anything fun today but you never know.  

Nope, my mate tea is still off in BFE somewhere.  However I do have a nice assortment of fun teas to hold me for a while.  I can't say enough about my little electric kettle it is so nice.  I just fill it up, plug it in, boiling water in a few minutes.  I will buy a backup when business improves because I would hate to be without it.  

I descale it now and then as I have hard water.  I am not interested in a water treatment system, in my eyes another fragile thing to break and mess up my life.  So, when the heater coil looks a little crusty, I put some water and vinegar in to the fill line and get it to boiling, then turn it off and let it sit an hour, pour it off.  I fill it again with plain water, boil, let it sit until cool, pour it off.  Now it is ready to go.  

After my walk I did my God Time, took care of Ron, etc.  I was having a battle with the cats they wouldn't eat the last of the food in their bowls.  But they did today!  I don't have money to waste.  

I had nice cuddles from Spotty, Biscuit, and Cleo.  Baby Girl sat up for me a few times and got treats.  Torbie was hanging out with Ron - she was watching me and Cleo but I couldn't judge her expression.  She didn't look upset, though.  When she does go she knows Cleo will take care of me.  

I heard Ron gagging when I was in the shower and I jumped out and ran to him, he was fine.  He said I am (hypervigilant) and I need to "calm down".  I explained that is a feature of PTSD.  However my doctor doesn't seem worried, AND I tell him everything.  With my life how could I NOT have PTSD?  But I am doing healthy things like cutting back on caffeine and diet soda, exercising in various ways, getting enough rest.  

The menopause supplements are really helping.  Wild Yam.  Dong Quai.  I get them from Swanson and I kid you not they are less than $10 for both, a month.  And Swanson has flat rate shipping and great prices so really easy to throw in some nice tea, a bar of hand crafted soap, etc.  It works and no side effects.  I will keep taking them.  

I did mention I was skipping cycles to Doc when we talked.  He didn't seem surprised but I am middle aged.  HOWEVER with what I read in the menopause group you can see some pretty extreme emotional disturbance.  I am glad I haven't had any of that.  

Overall I think I am doing pretty good.  

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