Thursday, October 8, 2020


 Last night I was lying awake in bed and I suddenly realized we had not gotten the sales tax form yet.  And I don't have our account number written down.  Not smart, I know.  

Which led to a hunt in Ron's closet for our original copy of our sales tax permit.  Ron had a Ham Radio antenna in there which shows how little we access the closet.  It took some digging and a garbage bag full of worthless junk, but I found it.  I also found the first hat I ever knit for Ron, he keeps it out of sentiment.  It looks more like a yarmulke, I wanted to get rid of it, but he insists on keeping it.  So it stayed.  

I put the sales tax permit with our other important business papers and the backup flash drive.  Then I could sleep.  

I slept a little too well, I apparently did not set my alarm and woke up at 5:30.  You never saw me get that seizure pill into Ron, so fast.  He has been OK so I do have a little wiggle room, not that I plan to use it.  And I am going to take my phone out and make sure the alarm is set for tomorrow.  I did that, it was not set.  I was hoping to set it for a whole week at a time but I don't see a way to do that.  Of course I did take my pills today so that informs some of my logical reasoning.  

Namely, pills can make me stupid at times.  Not every day just on occasion.  I remember one time a snack machine wouldn't work, I was almost in tears, worked on it 20 minutes and finally prayed, realized "Oh it is out of nickels" and "fixed" it.  After that I started taking my mood stabilizers in the evening.  

I have to take the antidepressant in the morning, it is too stimulating to take at night.  Speaking of pills I am waiting on my refills.  

So I was wide awake at 5:30, I tried to go back to bed, couldn't sleep, got up a little later than normal for my walk.  And everyone had their sprinklers going during my walk.  I had to keep crossing streets to avoid them.  Happily I could see them in advance.  I had a pretty good walk about 30 minutes, came home.  

My fitness tracker has been very happy with me of late.  

So I came home and took a shower.  Then I did my God Time.  Later on I found a cooked hamburger patty in the freezer and had that for breakfast.  I am trying to lose some weight.  

I decided to take a nap and went in the bedroom.  Spotty followed me, meowing.  I baby talked him, asking if he wanted his "Special petting time".  At that, Cleo popped out from under the bed, got on top of me, and demanded a good 15 minutes of solid petting.  It was adorable.  But half the time, away from my bed, she is skittish, but that is OK I don't mind.  She's a good little cat.  

I also undertook a search for unscented floor cleaner, which I did not find.  Everything either has the usual chemicals or essential oils.  He wants NO fragrance, not natural.  Me I love scents but he gets very upset.  He even balked at my fight-bac.  

Tomorrow I want to try some vinegar in the toilet bowl while he is awake.  See how that goes.  If he objects I can just flush it.  I will be running the whole house fan of course.  

I am trying to avoid doing any "work" today I did a lot yesterday.  Of course most of my work is sitting around waiting for the text from the pharmacy.  Ron is snoring away, I wonder if he got ANY sleep last night.  Sleep is good; he did ask for some lidocaine cream which I applied.  That apparently turned off the pain long enough for him to rest.  

I've been there, with migraines.  The pain is so bad you can't sleep, you really only sleep when the pain abates.  Yup, been there.  

That hurricane isn't far as things go so that will probably affect his arthritis.  I expect more pain the next day or so.  

But now I just wait for the text.  I really want my meds on board before the election.  If I haven't said this before everything in me says it is going to get ugly for some time after the election and it is prudent to stock up now while you can.  Also, the virus will likely come back this winter.  You will use up whatever you buy; but what I DON'T want is me trying to get my pills in the middle of it!  

A lot of canned food has the pop top which is great in a power out situation.  

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