Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday afternoon

 I had 4 eggs with cheese, I cooked them in the microwave this time.  It was overcooked, I am paranoid about salmonella (it having almost killed me back in 2004).  Some of it was still runny so I kept putting it back to cook until it was all firm.  And no, it didn't "finish cooking" after I took it out.  

So I had that with some shredded cheese and have been stuffed all day.  I got my package from Lucky Vitamin it had everything.  I will see how the soap works out when I take a shower.  It smells nice at any rate, and it was an "orange spice" type of fragrance so it didn't affect my tea.  The tea was good, I had some.  

I couldn't take a nap so I got up again.  I have been listening to praise music.  I realized my You Tube music had gotten rather angry and grim.  So I'm making a concerted effort to make it happier and more focused on God.  Ron has slept most of the day which is fine.  Baby Girl sat up for treats a few times.  

I have seen everyone.  Biscuit got in my lap for a while.  Cleo got up next to me and Spotty came by for some petting.  Baby Girl got her treats and Torbie has been more Ron's cat lately.  I am OK with that I think she goes where most needed.  She's a good, sweet, old lady and she makes me very happy.  Ron loves to sleep with her.  

It got up over 85 so I turned on the air.  I was suffocating.  I don't mind it up to 85 but above that I tend to get uncomfortable.  Of course the hot tea didn't help, either.  

I am going to go have a bottle of cold water.  That was very refreshing.  

I need to figure out my dinner; Ron can have the fried chicken.  I will probably just have a couple of turkey dogs.  I am not super hungry and I know that will hold my pills.  

I am happy to see Ron is sleeping well.  He was in a lot of pain when I woke up this morning and took a lot of Advil and several applications of pain relieving balm (unscented of course) to help.  Anyway I am comfortable now and he didn't wake up.  

Married, anywhere I guess, you have that issue, the thermostat.  One person wants it hotter.  One lady in my menopause group said her family went out of town without her, first thing she did was set the thermostat to 60 and run around the house half dressed until they came back.  I'm not that bad, thank God.  

I think my herbs are helping (Wild Yam, Dong Quai) a lot so I will keep taking them.  And they are super cheap, I think about $6 a month.  That is nothing.  Hot flashes are greatly reduced, skin is back to normal (had been getting very dry), no other real problems. So I will keep taking it.  

I will wait and see what Amazon does for prime day before I figure out what I'm doing with what's left of my budget.  If I see an exceptional deal on a Fire (tablet) or Kindle (reader) then I may get one otherwise I will spend it on something else.  

I am going to work solo tomorrow; Ron has a friction blister on his heel.  It has not popped yet and I don't want it to; that opens him up to infection.  So no shoes for him which means no work.  If we had a location NOT in an industrial plant he could just wear flip flops.  But they have a policy and he has gotten into trouble before.  

I always wear sneakers/boots so am good in their eyes.  Back in the day I had better wear some steel toed boots.  Ron had a bad habit of running into me, backing into my feet.  Kneecapping me, blind people in wheelchairs are a MENACE.  

All that to say I will be going to work alone and Ron and his blister can hang out at home.  I really don't want that thing to break, it hasn't yet (been about a week), I have been washing it, etc. and being very careful.  He has had a lot of these blisters and a sealed blister always heals better than an open one.  And it's his feet so you really have to be careful.  

It won't be a long day tomorrow.  I am debating do the workout tomorrow morning, then go.  Or do it after work.  Both have been good times.  I would like to take my shower tonight so I don't have to do it tomorrow.  Then I can take tomorrow's shower after my workout, after work.  I am leaning that way.  

Will I do kettlebells?  God only knows.  

I think I am going to eat my hot dogs and take my pills now.   

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