Sunday, June 12, 2011

Where did this guy come from?

If you watched my video blog, you heard how, when our Metrolift arrived, some strange man was in my driveway, talking to the driver, blocking me from getting on the vehicle.  He saw me approach and "got an attitude" when I said "Excuse me".  As I got on, I informed him of the phone number for questions regarding Metrolift, and he acted very offended. 

You're on my property.  It's like he drove up in my driveway and parked behind my vehicle as I tried to get out, then started talking to someone and got an attitude when I told him to please get out of my driveway. 

It was all about "My mother wants to ride this" = translated "I am tired of driving Mom around".  That's nice... come on my property, and get in my way, and get an attitude with me on MY property, because "My mother wants this". 

The driver tried to tell him, it is a service for the severely disabled, that finally sunk in.  In the meantime, I was asking him, not so politely, to please stop blocking the entrance to the van because my husband was coming out. 

I couldn't figure it out, where did this guy come from?  None of my neighbors are so rude! 

About half an hour ago, I saw a very depressed-looking homeowner's wife taking down the "Open House" signs across the street.  Ah.  Thank God, he was just "visiting".  I pray he found the house unappealing.  I can just see him bugging the driver every day and coming onto our property whenever he feels like it. 

See, 3 hot buttons pushed;
1.  I am extraordinarily protective of Ron, if you're going to get in his way, cause him to stand or to walk farther than he should, causing him pain in the process, you and I are going to have a problem.  I could just see the guy forcing Ron to stand there while he interrogated the driver. 

2.  I am territorial.  This is the property line.  See this?  This means you stay on that side, unless I give you permission.  It does not mean you just walk onto my property anytime your mother wants something. 

3.  I have boundaries.  If you violate them I will call you on that, and I don't care if you think I am a bitch.  I'm sure you do, anyway.  Most abusers and all "perverts" will experiment with people, crossing boundaries (for example, moving too close, unwanted touching).  If you don't call them on that, they will continue to violate your boundaries.  If you do call them on it, they willl act like they are giving you "permission" to set a boundary that was already there.  No, you aren't giving me permission to get on the vehicle.  I had a perfect right to begin with!  YOU are the rule breaker, not me.   When he realized that, he left. 

Anyway, a lot of desperate sellers, I doubt he will pick "that" house.  The "wife" looked really depressed, so I don't think they got any offers today. 

I am well aware I have to be careful sharing information.  According to the property tax database, we have a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home.  We have lost about 15% on the home's value.  The house across the street is a 3/2.  The house used to be worth quite a bit more than ours.  It has now dropped 40% in value. 

I don't know a lot about real estate, but it is listed as a "short sale".  That sounds bad, whatever it is.  I'm not really sorry to see them go, because I once caught their boy climbing over my gate, and looking into my windows. 

I just pulled up the real estate database; wow, it is a good time to buy. 

I think I will start praying for the homeowners to find the right buyers.  They look so horribly stressed. 

And, God forbid that guy buys the property, I was very clear about our boundaries.  It is awful to say, but some cultures are really scared of disabled people.  They act like Ron's "catching".  We had a problem with some guys parking and blocking our driveway, until I sent Ron out. 

He would walk up to the car with his cane and start touching the car with his hands.  "I'm getting blind germs all over your car"..  The guy would freak, run out, and move the car. 

I'm evil.  [snort]  But it works. 

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