Thursday, June 23, 2011

And Humble, too!

I find it fascinating; consistent hits from "restricted nations" like China, Pakistan, Columbia, Iran... wow.  I like to check my blog statistics.  I can see how people found me, and where they're from.

 I don't care so much about the operating systems and all.  However, when Blogger offered me the opportunity to create a mobile template, it helped.  8% of my weeks' readers are using an Android or an Iphone, so I'd like to make it easier for them to read.  I said Yes to mobile template. 

I find the big, creepy barcode thing rather alarming, though.  The square digitized thing?  Although it might be fun to create a page, and put the code on our vending machines.  If they scanned it and loaded the page, it would give them a code to punch to get a little discount or something.  I could probably do that with my Rowe snack machine, or the coffee machine.  [shrug]  But I don't think Ron would bite, so I won't. 

I find it funny to know that 9 people found my blog by typing houston heather junk.  [snorting laughter]   As my Dad would say, "And HUMBLE, too!" 

Didn't sleep well last night, Ron was quiet, so I can't blame him.  Sometimes I just don't sleep well. 

Hit the snooze button several times.  Got up.  Ron was taking a bath so I made sure he could.  I had to scrub him; no fun for either of us.  I told him "It would be a lot easier to do this if you were drunk and belligerent, then I wouldn't mind hurting you... " but as it was I had to do it.  Neuropahty makes bathing very painful for him.  I left him in peace, and helped him find some clean socks. 

Poor guy.  I wonder how he dries off.  [shudder]  He thought the washcloth was bad! 

It's really sad.  I could so torture him with a washcloth.  Yes, you get to see all the dark and evil nooks and crannies.  I can't abide phony people. 

Anyway, Ron adores his Banquet and Michelinas chinese food microwave dinners.  He likes the sweet and sour chicken, and the sesame chicken.  It is nice to see Ron eating chicken again; and I won't tell him they have a few vegetables, too.  He really wanted some, so we made a trip to Walmart. 

Other than getting a bad cart, and having to endure a loud clacking noise as I pushed it; it was a good trip.  I got some soda, a few haircare things (little rubber bands for tiny ponytails - I have 2 right now), cottage cheese, and peanut butter. 

Ron got his TV dinners, and a flash drive.  We checked out and waited over an hour. 

Our friend Chuck was taking us to the wholesale warehouse, he had mercy on us and picked us up from Walmart.  I don't know who dropped it, but someone dropped that ball. 

I put away the food and off we went.  I got a lot of bottled soda.  Ron waited in the truck.  He helped me load some of it; I hope he doesn't "pay".  He did stop when he felt strained. 

I put away all the soda, and did a massive snack bombing.  Snacks were so pathetic, I did all the chips.  They look good.  Candy bars and crackers are still pretty weak, but I'll get them tomorrow.  Ron did the food machine and we didn't do sodas. 

Tomorrow I need to do sodas, finish snacks, check codes on the food machines, and organize the stockroom to receive a soda delivery at 4 AM Monday.

Ooh, that's early.  But Ron is promising Mexican food after work.  We know a great little taqueria - great food, low prices, and clean. 

Sounds like a winner! 

Oh, and I got my giant-print, and kiddie outreach items! 

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