Friday, June 24, 2011

End Times, baby.

I was on my local news site, reading articles. 

Talk about depressing.  Teenage mothers murdering their newborn offspring; teenage girls shacking up with adult men for years, and no one seemed to notice - until she scalded him and put him in the hospital.  Teachers beating students; thug boy attire banned from a mall... and everyone crying racist. 

Ron and I figured out years ago, it isn't the race people despise, it's the ignorance.  I have a black neighbor across the street (and a black husband, for that matter); and a latino neighbor next door.  They're both fine neighbors.  I like them. 

But even if you could download an internet's worth of knowledge into every resisting brain; people would still suck.

It's out nature.  We sin. 

We're haughty, self-rightous, proud, stubborn, and defiant.  It amazes me, what I had to endure, before I turned myself over to God. 

I know I needed to experience every single moment, before I'd become willing to let God use me.   I can honestly say, I am living 2 Timothy Chapter 3, everytime I click on my local news site.  I've got the horrendous human nature, and the persecution if I dare to mention my faith. 

Ay yi yi.  I don't know why He bothers with us, but I'm sure glad He does. 

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