Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I will make it.

I am NOT going to beat myself up over the housekeeping things I hoped to do when manic; the things that can't get done because my brain is frying away on an anxiety griddle. 

I'm NOT going to have a pity party. 

I will NOT be resentful of "normal" people. 

I will not compare myself to the normals. 

I will not wonder, for the ten millionth time, why people with mental illness choose to have children. 

I will thank God I don't have kids, depending on me. 

I will thank God for the plump housecat. 

I will thank God I finally got the mousetrap set without snapping my finger. 

I will thank God for my life and the good things in it. 

I will have a cheddarburger, some field peas, and some corn tortillas with cheese for dinner. 

I will take my pills, with dinner. 

I will enjoy reading a good book after dinner. 

I will enjoy my God Time after dinner, maybe before the book. 

I will take some time to watch the birds today. 

I will make it. 

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