Monday, September 6, 2021

The rest of Monday

 It was an interesting day.  A massive storm system came through right before I left for work; I couldn't walk in that weather.  Not to mention the power went out so no street lights or traffic lights.  So double no way.  I called Jack and arranged a ride to work.  Worth the money.  

Got to work and had been working some time when a supervisor told me I would be getting a raise.  Walmart did this for about half a million workers, thank you very much!  

One cynical co worker thinks our hours will be cut but I doubt it.  I do what I would call essential work.  So I finished my shift and went to the pharmacy, got my second jab.  It took a while.  I was fine.  My arm doesn't even hurt.  

This time they had a dedicated vaccine lady all she was doing were vaccines.  Last time a pharmacist was splitting her time between vaccines and pharmacy.  This was much better and faster, but there was a line.  

I got the jab, got my card back, did some shopping.  Jack asked for dog food so I did that, got some ice cream for me.  I can't normally do something like ice cream unless I am with my aunt but I was getting a ride home.  And the raise can pay for another ride or two.  

I have always said my #1 indulgence when I had a lot of money was transportation.  I checked out, it was quick, used my discount for my ice cream but not the dog food as she is not my dog.  I may be overly ethical but I won't get into trouble.  

Jack brought a BBQ plate with 4 meats, potato salad, beans, homemade cake, etc.  I ate about half of it.  I will have the rest for breakfast if I feel OK.  He is a very kind man who adores his wife.  

So I put comments up again don't abuse or they will go away.  That's it.  


Anonymous said...

First, my condolences on Ron's passing.

I think you're doing quite well adjusting to your new life, haha, your new normal, I hate that phrase. Keep plugging away, you're going to be OK. Of course you miss him sometimes, and get sad. It's to be expected, he was an important part of your life. You seem to have developed some good coping methods that work for you.

I do have to ask tho - is there a closer WM you can put in for a transfer to? That's a lot of travel time, specially for the short shifts.


Anonymous said...

Awesome news about the raise. You are doing amazing.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are doing well. I've been following your posts and your YouTube videos. That's all for me pretty much other than occasionally commenting on your social media - you know you are always in my prayers. -star_tigress

Heather Knits said...

This is the closest WM I can get to safely. There is a closer one but no practical way for a pedestrian to get there safely. I am OK with that I don't have anyone to rush home to.

Thanks for the kudos I am just doing my best.

Anonymous said...

Heather I am a long time reader- been following your story since probably the beginning! I have been harsh with you at times in these comments but always out of concern for you. I want to say I am very sorry to hear about Ron’s passing. I can imagine the pain it has brought you. I admire how strong you have been and how you’ve handled adjusting to working a new job and a whole new way of life in a sense. I am so happy to know you are able to keep your home and your cats and I’ll keep praying things keep looking up for you. ❤️

Heather Knits said...

I keep going back to how much pain he was in; how quickly he died and how peaceful he looked when I found him. I hang onto that. I almost wish I had taken a photo. He would want me to move on. God wants me to remember and move on; I think I'm doing that. I want to live my new life in a way that honors my marriage and I think I am doing that.

I don't mind saying I am VERY glad I got that wedding band ($12 titanium) from Amazon as I do get guys who flirt. That acts as a pretty good deterrent (and I don't encourage, I am nice but that is it).

I am glad I have you guys to keep me accountable to the 5 year plan of no dating. It does get lonely sometimes.