Sunday, September 19, 2021


 Happily an uneventful trip to work, work was fine, happy to leave.  I took a cab home.  I got home and laid down for a while but couldn't nap, got up and did some cleaning and organizing.  I did the couches and the kitchen table, I need to clean up the bear (taxidermy bear, the one that freaked out the Firemen the day Ron died) a little, sweep, and mop.  But I'm happy with what I did so far.  

I was able to find the new underwear I wanted size and color.  Very happy about that.  I am still having my cycle so will wait to enjoy the new stuff.  

I have an orange tablecloth so I put a purple hand towel down and arranged my (mostly orange) gourds on it, I like it.  I also put a couple of gourds up near Ron's urn.  Someone I know does very elaborate graveyard displays for their loved one.  I don't want to do that but a couple of gourds are fine.  They look good with the urn, I will take a photo tomorrow.  

I did laundry and that is mostly done.  My parents will come by tomorrow night, likely with my aunt and uncle (which is fine).  I need to figure out which outfit I will wear, a nice problem to have.  

That's it for now, I just wanted a quick update for you.  

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