Thursday, May 31, 2018

The second migraine

When I finally started feeling better, I ate what was left of my hamburger, along with some generic brand cheetos.  I took a nap.  And woke up with a migraine.  Well, that sucked. 

Now I have to go to bed shortly so I can, hopefully, get out delivery of soda tomorrow morning. 

I have a couple of theories about the possum.  1.  He likes it in here and he doesn't want to leave, so he is keeping a low profile.  2.  A possum isn't half as bad as half the crap in my head, it doesn't scare me.  3.  It could have gone back out the cat door and gotten out the way it got in.  4.  We had the front door open for a while with the cats locked up.  5.  Ron's had the door to the garage, opened. 

I may have to unfriend someone.  She posted a photo of a pregnant woman drinking and smoking, and then a caption "10 years later" and the kid is a fan of the "bad" sports team.  Not funny at all.  If she doesn't apologize I will block her.  My disability has caused me a lot of pain, I can't even drive!  She wouldn't think of mocking someone with down's syndrome, a Deaf person, or someone in a wheelchair, but FAS is fair game.  The only good thing I can see in all of this is that it does promote drinking alcohol while pregnant leads to a bad outcome. 

I feel like crap from the headache(s)..  I'm going to bed early.  Ron is upset he "lost" a bottle of vodka and was asking me to find it for him.  I told him I didn't see any.  All I see are a bunch of empties. 

I remember when I signed him up for "Intervention" they wanted to know how much he drank a day.  I don't know.  He always calls it "one (or two) sip(s)".  He can't get accurately diagnosed and treated at the doctors unless he is honest about his drinking.  I have seen him drinking about 6 servings a day,and I know he has more when I am asleep.  I marked the bottle and showed them how much a day, it was impressive enough they wanted him for the show. 

But Ron has said, if he had to choose between me and alcohol, he would have chosen alcohol.  I believe he still would, but we will see what happens at the doctor's office. 

My head is finally feeling better and I have to go to bed.

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Feel better Dear Heather I wish you nothing but what is best for you and it makes me so sad you suffer such migraines