Tuesday, May 1, 2018

"I can only eat Skittles"

I didn't sleep well, even though I had Torbie in the bed.  At one point I rolled over on her and that was it, she got up and left me.  It was very tragic. 

I know I don't have a lot of time left with Torbie so I cherish the time I do have.  She's an old lady and will leave me one day.  Something about older cats - and feel free to chime in on this, but they seem to get very cuddly right before they die.  They sleep with me, right next to my head, even.  They get in my lap.  They want lots of petting.  And then they're gone.  So I try to enjoy her as much as I can. 

I have to admit it was a complete shock to me, a couple of years ago, when I had to put Gravy down.  He was only a couple of years old.  If I had to put anyone down I would have figured it to be Torbie.  So it goes to show you just don't know, sometimes. 

I got a little sleep, and woke up literally one minute before my alarm went off.  I wasted some time on the computer before I kicked myself in the butt and got going.  I took my shower and shaved my legs.  You can't see much of my legs in my "capris" but I didn't want any hair visible.  I made sure to use lots of deodorant because I would be running around a lot. 

I did my God time, praying for you, the recipients, and a whole bunch of other people.  I got dressed, capris, microfiber shirt, cheap socks and shoes.  My shoes are astoundingly cheap but they are very comfortable.  I took $20 out of my wallet (which I hid at home) and put it in my pocket. 

Then I organized my stuff.  I added some Bible Promise books to my bag, along with 4 whole Bibles.  These are big Bibles but not as big as some.  I forgot the Spanish, and the kids. 

Not sure how I feel about people who come to America and don't learn English.  But God wants me to minister in their language, so I do. 

I also had some thoughts about the church, literally right next to the corner, where I work.  How I would tell them their failure to evangelize the neighborhood led to the death of that young man.  How, if he'd had Jesus, he wouldn't have resorted to drugs to deal with the pain of losing his children.  He would have known it was "See you later" and not "Goodbye forever".  Happily, I did not see anyone from the church, which is kind of the whole point.  The church is not moving, so I must. 

I got the old beater wheelchair and made sure I had all my stuff.  I've told you about the Bible Handout where I forgot my sign.  Boy, that was the hardest handout ever.  I had everything. 

Ron was hurting (although he let me sleep, when I could), and a little cranky.  But he got in the old wheelchair when our ride came and let me put the 32 pound case of Bibles in his lap.  I rolled him outside and got him loaded. 

The driver remembered us, and the candy we had given her last time.  I had candy for her this time, which I had nearly forgotten to give her.  We had a straight trip to the venue. 

We got there and I rolled Ron out to the median.  "Do I have to get up and walk?"  No.  "Good".  I took the Bibles out of his lap (a relief, I'm sure) and got started on the Handout.  Things were a little slow at first.  I tried to offer a Bible to every pedestrian, with mixed results.  Some took one, some didn't. 

Ron sat in his wheelchair "preaching" on his favorite Bible verse.  He thinks you have to talk the recipients into taking a Bible.  My answer to that is, not usually.  If God's put it on them to want a Bible, they don't need persuading.   But I will coax people on occasion, if they seem interested. 

I am happy to say I did tell everyone I would be praying for them.  Everyone likes to hear that. 

It started to rain.  Ron wasn't too happy about that, even though it was just drizzle.  He said he wanted to stop, but I still had Bibles left.  It stopped eventually, I handed out the last, and then it started again. 

We went to the convenience store and got some snacks.  "I can only eat Skittles" I told Ron, as I perused the candy rack.  Everything had nuts, chocolate, peanut butter, or coconut, all migraine triggers.  They were also out of Diet Dr Pepper.  I settled for Diet Coke. 

Then we went to the chicken place.  Ron got a 2 piece special with red beans and rice.  I got a hamburger, NO MUSTARD, which was very good. 

Next time I need to bring my pills.  I will have to eat again before I go to bed, so I can take my pills.  After we finished our meal one of the regulars came in.  He greeted us joyfully and asked me how gravity was treating me.  I told him OK.  Ron said he was fine.  He moved on.  Another customer came in and admired Ron's fanny pack.  He said he plans to start wearing a fanny pack, himself.  I told him Ron got his on Amazon. 

We were done, Ron called a cab.  This guy has helped us, from this location, twice now.  And, sure enough, he came a third time.  He was great about getting the wheelchair shoved in the back, and off we went. 

Ron didn't want to take Greens Road so we took the Beltway.  We got home around 2:30 and I laid down for a nap. 

Or so I thought.  I heard a resounding THUNK out in the catio.  Our cats can go outside, but only into a cage.  The cage is covered in a 3 inch mesh fencing, so they can't get out.  But things can, and do, get in.  I heard a loud squeak, and then the cat door.  I sat up in bed.  Sure enough, Biscuit had just come in, and he had something in his mouth. 

Biscuit opened his mouth, and a bird flew away.  All the cats showed up, following the bird, which, terrified, flew into walls and windows in it's desperation to get away.  I put my glasses on and got up.  It was a mockingbird.  I waited until it huddled on the floor and I picked it up.  I held my hand out the open front door and opened my fingers, so he (?) could fly away.  The poor thing sat on my hand for a minute before finally flying off. 

I like mockingbirds, in part because Ron once told me whenever I heard a mockingbird sing, it was God telling me He loved me. 

Hopefully it has learned a valuable lesson: don't go in the catio!  I went back to bed, hoping, this time, I'd be able to sleep. 

I did.  Ron said he was very careful not to moan too much and wake me up.  Apparently his pain is still bad.  I got up and posted my update.  I feel like the sponsors deserve to know what I'm doing with their money. 

I am pleased how I was almost out of Bibles, when the next order came in.  God works that way.  Oh, that reminds me.  I need to update a couple more sponsors.  Not everyone does Go Fund Me.  Some of them send me checks in the mail. 

OK, done.  A couple times I sent Bibles (whole cases) to people and never heard how they were used.  I have to assume they weren't used.  I feel like it is common courtesy and respect to let the sponsors know what I am doing with THEIR money. 

That's it for today.  I will be eating something, feeding the cats.  Probably do the litter boxes. 

We leave early tomorrow, so take out the garbage then.  I would hate to have cat poop in the can, in 80 degree temperatures, stinking up the neighborhood!  Although it would certainly inform all the neighborhood strays that cats live here. 

That's it, really.  I will be praying. 

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