Saturday, May 26, 2018

Reptile invaders

Well, I found it.  It was a lizard.  Is, a lizard, I should say. 

I found a fresh-looking lizard tail in the hallway yesterday, shortly before Biscuit brought home yet another lizard.  He dropped it right next to my foot, it attempted to scale my foot. 

That's the thing about reptiles, when they touch my bare skin, they're always so cold.  I went to find a cup so I could scoop it up and put it outside.  I came back, all 3 cats were surrounding it, and it was minus a tail.  Side note, the tail kept moving for quite a while, after it came off.  I scooped up the lizard and put it outside. 

Since I found another tail in the hallway I'm guessing there was a first lizard, and, sure enough, I found one today after my nap.  I caught it, it seemed a little tired, like it had been in the house a few days, and the skin was a little weird. 

The cats ate both the tails.  I know Baby Girl will gobble a lizard whole, she loves to eat them.  The lizards should be thanking God I found them when I did. 

So, my mystery visitor was a lizard. 

I hope. 

I went to bed last night and slept OK.  No headache, no nightmares.  I woke up several times to drink water and use the bathroom, but that's pretty standard. 

I got up and got ready for my trip to the Bible bookstore.  Ron had, quite awesomely, I felt, offered to take me.  It's especially notable because we would have to stay at least an hour. 

I took my shower and did my God Time.  I bagged up some candy and got ready to go.  I brought some cash, and my debit card.  The Go Fund Me money goes directly into my checking account, but I have never used my debit card to pay for something.  I've only used it online.  I was concerned I might have a problem.  I didn't want to put the clerk through the trouble of ordering 300 New Testaments only to have her cancel the transaction because of a problem with my card.  It was a concern. 

Our ride wasn't very late and we headed out.  We unloaded right outside the door and went inside.  I left Ron by the jewelry.  I looked all over and I couldn't find the New Testament.  And they told me they had 89, yesterday.  I finally went for help.  She couldn't find them, either.  A second person showed up to help.  She found them.  They had changed the cover design. 

We got them ordered, 300.  They gave me free shipping to my door.  The debit card worked perfectly.  Then the second helper ran off to the back, told me to wait.  I wasn't going anywhere for 45 minutes, anyway. 

She came back with a case of whole Bibles they had collected for donation.  I accepted them happily.  This is not the first time they have done this, with me. 

Then I walked over and got some fast food for us.  Ron said he wasn't hungry but he ate his chicken.  I had a milkshake.  I think they give me headaches. 

We had a good ride home.  The driver didn't want any candy, but took a Bible.  We talked about "My 600 Pound Life" on the way home.  We agreed we want the diet the doctor gives his patients.  The ones who stick to it lose a lot of weight. 

We got home and my flip flop blew out in the driveway.  I wasn't going anywhere.  I threw them in the trash can (It is always the right foot flip flop that blows), and went in barefoot.  I keep a clean driveway so I didn't step on anything.  I got the Bibles put up in the house. 

Some people prefer to send me cash or a check.  I always spend it wisely.  One lady sends me cash every now and then, not huge amounts, but a big deal anyway.  I always think of Jesus talking about the widow who gave everything.  God respects all donations.  At any rate, I got some Bibles, tracts, and New Testaments with that money.  I had that in a bag in addition to the Bibles.  Spent all of it, owed them 8 cents, which I paid with my own money.  That's the direction I like for the donations. 

223 of the New Testaments were covered by donations, I got the rest.  Like I said, I want a balance. 

I never want to be caught as a bad steward.  That would be horrible and I am sure God would take away all the donations if I did. 

I laid down with Torbie and we took a nap.  At one point I was on my side, with one arm on either side of her, as she lay on her side, with her head on a pillow.  She loves to lay with her head on that pillow, so I never move it, or wash it.  We had a good time.  Eventually I rolled over, but she stayed. 

She got up when I did.  I had a nasty headache and was starting to have dreams I could tell would go to nightmares, if I didn't get up.  I took some Excedrin and watched a little TV.  The last couple times I have had a milkshake, I had a headache when I woke up from a nap, so I'm going to cut them out.  Not worth it.  I did take my pills when I got home, too, so that might have been a factor. 

Not much happening online.  Everyone is out living their lives.  #7, across the street from us, has a huge inflatable bouncy castle in his backyard so I assume he is having a birthday party for his little girl later today.  He is generally pretty quiet since that whole bat-swinging incident some months after he bought the house. 

They had a loud, late-night party.  We were in bed.  The next thing I know, some girl is ringing my doorbell at 11:30 at night, screaming gibberish.  I called the police.  She went around to several houses and no one opened up.  I watched out the front window. 

It sounded as if she had said "He has a gun".  I saw a young man, laughing maniacally, leaving in a car.  She went back to her house.  The police came.  Apparently the young man I saw leaving got drunk and was swinging a bat, at the party.  And now here are the police and I'm sure they had questions about underage drinking, etc.  They never had another party like that, even when the older girl had her quince.  It was fine.  So they are generally assimilated to the neighborhood (quiet) now. 

We'll see.  We have tomorrow off.  It is interesting, Mexicans always have the birthday party, at least the ones around me, on a Saturday night.  No other night of the week. 

It's funny how the racial divide works.  My street has over a dozen, less than 3 dozen, houses on it.  My end of the street is all Mexicans.  The other end of the street is Black.  Generally speaking, there are a few rebels here and there, like #2 and #9 (black). 

And I'm the only white person on the block.  Kind of odd, let me tell you. 

I need to do some laundry tonight, so I will be getting on with that.  I don't like to run the washer and the A/C at the same time because they're on the same circuit.  I don't like to strain it.  I am always worried a fuse will blow and I'll have to open the box.  The box is really hard to close.  It's a special, lizard-proof, southern design but nearly impossible to shut.  I have actually taken Ron out there in the wheelchair to do it. 

But I can pretreat, remove tags from Ron's new shirts, and remove cat hair from pants.  Ron has a lot of neuropathy in his back, if he pulls down a medium t-shirt, it rubs against his back and makes him scream.  If he wears a Large t-shirt it is easier for him to pull down in the back and less pain.  And that's kind of the goal for Ron: less pain. 

I'm thirsty, I'm going to go make up some lemonade. 

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