Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day

Ron and I had an interesting conversation last night.  He asked me what type Bipolar I am, Type one or type two.  And were there even types?  

I said yes, there were different types.  Type two is, in my opinion, less severe.  The person goes from depressed mood to normal, and back again.  It's basically "normal/depression".  

Did I have that?  No.  What did I have?  Type one with schizophrenia, or psychosis.  I prefer schizophrenia.  "That's sounds bad".  Yeah, it is.  

I explained my illness is so bad I am willing to put up with a lot of side effects to manage it.  We had a nice little talk and I went to bed.  

Torbie didn't get in my bed.  I woke up exhausted, even though I had had a good night's sleep.  That's the price I pay: fatigue.  And brain fog, etc.  I took my shower and tried to help Ron get ready to go to Walmart.  

We had a problem,though, Baby Girl was in his wheelchair.  I tried gently pushing her out of the chair and she gave me a very angry meow.  I kept pushing her out of the chair and she hissed at me, right before she jumped down.  

Well..  If she were getting a behavioral evaluation at a shelter they would put her down.  She's lucky she lives with us!  

I got Ron ready and we left.  He complained but he went along.  

The driver said something that really alarmed me "Oh, your legs are really swollen".  Ron had been complaining his socks were tight and he "gained weight" and needed new pants.  We got him new pants but his legs and feet are definitely puffy.  We will have to get him to the doctor.  I just read up on edema and it scared the hell out of me.  

He waited up front, by the watermelons, while I did the shopping.  He even asked about a kiddie cart, but I didn't see any available.  

I did the shopping, I didn't have a lot of money, but I wanted some things.  For instance, I need to clean out the bathtub so he can have a bath, before his doctor appointment.  I would like to have drinks to bring to the doctor's office.  Etc.  

I also got him some cat treats.  I got in line to check out.  There was a woman with a question about a container of blueberries.  It wouldn't scan and she couldn't remember the price.  The cashier kept trying to find it on her computer and it wouldn't work.  So the customer walked, very slowly, to the produce section and looked for herself.  Ron called me, trying to hurry me up, and I had to explain.  I know the cashier overheard me.  The woman finally came back and had a price.  They rang it up and she went on her way, but not without pawing through my bag "Just to make sure I got all my stuff".  Rude and rude again.  

I apologized to the cashier for being impatient, and she rang me up.  She was very nice.  I had enough time to get some breakfast sandwiches for us before the ride came.  

It was a cab.  The cabs really only seat 4 adults, plus one wheelchair.  He had 2 clients already so Ron had to ride in the back.  We put my stuff around him and he looked OK.  Then I got in and fastened my seatbelt.  Ron was held down by a combination of straps, rigging, and belts.  When the driver had to stop suddenly, Ron was fine.  

Amazingly, we had a straight trip home.  The #6 kids were running around near my driveway so I warned the driver the kids run in front of vehicles.  The driver helped me put my stuff in the garage, very nice.  I got Ron and all the stuff into the house and put it away.  

I had taken my antidepressant when I ate my breakfast sandwich.  I was pretty groggy, so I laid down for a nap.  I got Torbie in bed with me, and she got on my chest, put a paw on my face, and was generally adorable.  I didn't see Growly (Baby Girl), but I did see Biscuit.  He was cute and got in my lap, so Ron gave him some treats.  Biscuit is getting pretty cuddly, he's a good boy and I love him for that.  

I went to sleep for a while, weird dreams, woke up with a pending headache.  I hate that.  I was laying in bed thinking about getting up, when #6 started playing loud Mexican music.  I cursed and got up.  

I looked out the window to see if he was having a party.  He wasn't (at least not yet), but it was just his truck in the driveway, so they left him home alone and he decided to act like an immature teenager.  

One thing I really admire about Ron, when he bought his speakers, he turned them up gradually, as he walked around the house (you can tell this was a while back), making sure he was not bothering the neighbors.  I have a good time listening to my music and no one knows but Ron.  I am playing music now, but you can hardly hear it in the bathroom, much less next door.  Have some respect.  

He turned it off after about 10 minutes, but Torbie was gone anyway, so I watched some TV.  After I do this post I will do my God Time and then eat some dinner, hopefully, hopefully, go to bed early.  Hopefully the neighbors will let me do this.  Most of them are awesome, no complaints.  The only complaints I have are the rent houses (#8, 10, #2), and #6.  He bought the house, damaged, from flooding, during the time when they were handing out mortgages to everyone.  I doubt he would qualify now for a mortgage, not with the brand new minivan and 6 kids.  But it could be a lot worse, so I don't complain.  

I could shut him down if I complained to the building department he did an illegal modification to his house and turned the garage into 2 bedrooms, PLUS added on a huge playroom onto the back of the house a couple years ago.  Frankly, I'm shocked his insurance company hasn't caught on and at the very least raised his rates.  My insurance company comes out every year to examine the property (outside only).  And, I could always complain about his illegal additions to the homeowners association.  If I did either, or both, he would probably have to undo all the modifications, put 6 kids into 2 bedrooms, and most likely have to move.  It hasn't been that bad yet.  

So, off I go.  I hope you got today off, and you had a good day.  I am battling depression and fatigue, plus worry about Ron, so I am trying to have a good time in spite of all that.  

Off to scrounge up a snack.  

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