Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I'm tired

Today was long. 

I don't sleep well at night, lately.  I get up a lot to pee, have a hard time going back to sleep.  It's the lithium; it causes severe thirst and dehydration.  I'm not diabetic, I checked, my sugars are fine per a blood sugar meter at home, and a laboratory blood test.  I just get extremely thirsty at night, drink a lot, and then I have to get up.  It's tiresome. 

I got up around 8.  I did part of my God Time and took my shower.  I was happy I didn't need to shave my legs today.  I got dressed. 

Ron and I had planned to go to Walmart and buy him some clothes, he's gained some weight, must be from the alcohol because he hardly eats.  Our ride was very late.  It was the guy who's always late.  He has a big mouth and is always criticizing "downtown".  Well, "downtown" routes all the trips and can make your life as a driver very easy, or very hard.  Because he's always antagonizing them, they make his life very hard. 

Ron was not in a nice mood.  He complained constantly.some verbal abuse.  Off and on all day.  It took some work to find him pants he liked.  He didn't want one size up, he wanted two.  That means his pants will be falling off.  They had what he wanted, finally.  But they only had 2 pair. 

Ron wasn't happy with that, but he put in a request with the "softlines" lady to please save him some pants in that style and size, so he can buy them.  We threw the 2 pair into the cart and moved on.  Ron told me to do my shopping, I did, but I didn't get much (I forgot to get a new shower curtain).  We did get cat treats. 

Ron wanted 2 belts, in large sizes.  OK, it's his body, he can clothe it how he wants.  I picked belts I felt matched his style, which is pretty traditional.  We paid (separate orders) and went to McDonald's.  Ron made the obligatory comment about "Feeding your stomach, ha ha"  I have tried to point out I never laugh at his insulting "jokes" but he persists.  I got my milkshake. 

We took a cab home, he was a very nice driver from Africa.  A lot of African drivers come to Houston and work as Taxi drivers.  They always have good English and a great attitude.  I am happy to see them. 

We got home, put everything away, and took a nap.  When I got up I got on the computer for a little while, then Ron woke up and we worked on more accounting stuff for our audit. 

Tedious.  It is particularly hard because Ron has to listen to his computer, then tell me the number, and I have to write it down.  A lot of opportunity for error.  It was very tiring.  We were at it for a while.  I put everything in a large envelope I bought today and put it near the front door.  We can send it tomorrow via courier. 

That done, I ate and took my pills, all of them.  They can make me foggy doing accounting work so I take them after I am done.  I had to put Ron's clothes in the wash, the new ones.  I've got to wait for them to finish. 

And I need to clean the litterboxes tonight, and then clean the computer room tomorrow so I don't frighten the computer tech. 

Oh, I'm tired. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Take good care of yourself dear heather!