Friday, May 18, 2018


So, another school shooting.  While I am sad for the victim's families, I am not horrified and aghast the way many are.  This hit pretty close to home, not far from Houston, but I have already been inoculated. 

There was a terrible workplace shooting at my Dad's office when I was 13.  I sat in front of the TV watching them bring out body bags, wondering if one of them was my father.  Wondering where I would end up if he died.  They didn't have cell phones back then, not for average people, so we had to just wait until he came home - or didn't.  It was a very bad couple of hours and it eventually landed me in the hospital. 

After that - another shooting.  Too bad.  I have scar tissue.  I don't believe anything will ever beat that, except maybe if I am actually present during an event. 

I slept late, until 8:30 AM.  I bagged up candy, got on the computer for a while, and then took my shower.  I did most of my God Time and then took a nap.  Torbie joined me.  It was awesome. 

I got up and finished my God Time, Torbie climbed in my lap without an invitation, making my prayer time even more awesome.  I kept thinking about the passage where Jesus says when 2 or more are gathered, He is with them.  So He was with us.  Then I helped Ron get ready.   Our ride was very late, almost an hour.  She was a nice driver, though. 

Ron had a lot of trouble getting from his wheelchair into the seat.  The driver had to help him.  If this keeps up, pretty soon he won't be able to "transfer" at all, and will have to ride in the back.  He hates riding in the back. 

We had a straight trip but got stuck in traffic.  We arrived at Denny's 25 minutes before our pickup.  Ron kept calling, trying to "fix" the ride, but they were totally overwhelmed.  We ate very fast and had to take most of our food to-go, because, of course, the ride to go home was right on time. 

I liked talking to her.  She was pretty open about her faith so I talked a little about the Bible Handouts.  She was very interested.  I told her where I buy mine, and when we got home, I gave her an old catalog.  She can order them in bulk, now, if she wants. 

I fed the cats and then I cleaned the litter box.  I had a surprise in the back bedroom box, a huge roach emerged out of the litter, like a "sandworm" from "Dune", and charged me.  I managed to kill it with the scoop (it's metal), and put it in the trash along with the other waste. 

I use baits, because it isn't safe to use poison around the cats.  It is very effective but now and then I see one.  It's Texas. 

It's always the big flying one, not the little German one.  They probably get in through the cat door, plus Ron likes to leave the door to the garage open so the cats can explore.  We have some significant gaps in the garage door, so I'm sure they get in that way, too.  And the cats might be catching them outside and bringing them in to "play".  I have to admit, though, hiding in the litter box was a good move.  Until I went to scoop! 

I haven't seen any insects in the house since the flood.  Remember all the ants?  It was horrible.  Ron was getting drunk and spraying insecticide all over himself, caused a horrible rash.  The borax + sugar did the trick, though.  I need to get some more borax, though. 

I have to go to bed early tonight, it's an early day tomorrow, but I finish early, too.  It shouldn't be too bad.  It will be hot, though. 

I hear rumors we might get a tropical thing in town on Monday.  Ron told me he has 2 bottles of vodka left so he should be fine, and I just need to get him to replace the batteries he borrowed from me today.  He uses a lot for his wireless headphones, digital recorder, etc. 

Take care, I am praying for you. 

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