Sunday, August 20, 2017

I'm so mean

Sorry to bail on you yesterday. 

In a lot of ways, it was pretty typical.  Got up, took my shower, fed the Biscuit (his chub was withering), etc.  Go to the warehouse, buy supplies, get Jack a cold drink, etc.  Watch Jack and the cart attendant load the truck.  Get in truck. 

Go to work.  Empty my cats, take them outside.  Load carts with Jack.  Take carts inside.  Marvel that the chocolate didn't melt.  Stock.  Go home, take a nap. 

We went to Denny's for dinner.  I had my eggs and sausage again.  It cost $7.  I figured, since it was so cheap, I could splurge on a fruit bowl too.  So I got one.  It had grapes, bananas, and cantaloupe.  It was pretty good, and a nice finish to my meal. 

We came home, I was doing OK. 

Then Ron does this whole "I love you so much" speech while he had his hand on my cheek.  It creeped me out.  I got pretty depressed (Ron was already off drinking by this point), and decided to wait on getting online. 

My choice was confirmed by Miss Torbie, who was settled into my computer chair and looking quite cozy.  I didn't want to disturb her.  I went to bed. 

I slept pretty well, and got up a little before 9.  I got up and fed Biscuit, weighed myself, etc. 

This is the sad aspect of weight loss.  I always have this problem.  Say I weigh when I get up, and it's 244 (pretty much what it was today).  But I have to use the toilet 20 minutes later, and there's a lot of product. 

Do you ever weigh yourself again?  I did, today, and based on my math the real weight is closer to 242. 

I took a shower, ate my breakfast (grapes and bananas), and did my God Time.  I made some tuna salad, with tuna, mayo, and lemon pepper.  It was pretty good and I didn't get sick.  Biscuit licked out the bowl.  I watched Law and Order reruns for a while, then tried to take a nap (I couldn't).  Ron woke up right as I was falling asleep and he woke me up.  I told him I was trying to sleep but it was too late.  I finally just got up. 

I watched some more TV and got on the computer, after I moved Torbie (she was still in my seat, probably stayed there all night). 

Ron asked me to help him find his cell phone, I told him it was under the fridge.  Matter-of-factly, like everyone leaves their freaking phone under the fridge all the time. 

Then he wanted to ask me questions about weight loss and I wasn't interested.  I finally shut him up by telling him the "science" he was quoting was 40 years old, and intervals were the best way to lose weight. 

He said OK, then cooked a bag of popcorn (that stuff is so old I am sure all the fats are rancid) and offered it to me.  Popcorn is not a paleo food, and he should know that, but I'll give him a pass this time. 

Biscuit is jumping up on my leg as I type, purring, trying to get me to feed him early.  I feed him at 6, so he has something to eat all night when I'm sleeping. 

Plus, he had my tuna leftovers. 

I'm so mean. 

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