Sunday, August 27, 2017

Get out of the water!

I shouldn't have been surprised, but Ron has been drinking all day - the whole time he's been awake.  He said he would only have 2 drinks, but he kept going back for more. 

He got lonely, which meant he wanted to have long, rambling monologues at me.  When I didn't prove interested, he tried calling "old friends" who don't take his calls anymore.  He finally resorted to trying to find a childhood crush from when he was 10 years old.  I had to tell him, loudly, I wasn't interested in "any of his old girlfriends". 

"She wasn't a girlfriend" Ron replied "I was 10, her Dad was..."  I tuned it out.

Eventually I asked him to move out of the kitchen (when he's in his wheelchair, he occupies the whole kitchen).  I needed to throw away the empty can of cat food.  He asked if he should move over by the garage, or into his bedroom.  I suggested the bedroom. 

He fell on the floor twice today, out of his bed.  I assume because he was drunk.  If we flood he is going to end up right in the flood water.  I'm sure it will wake him up quick. 

Oh, I hope we don't flood. 

The water has receded to about the sidewalk level now.  That's very good.  I'll be even happier when it's out of my yard entirely. 

Of course, we are supposed to get more rain.  And I am a caregiver for someone I can't depend on in a epic storm.  It is sad.  I don't want him to be macho man, hauling me and the cats out on his back, but I want him to provide emotional support. 

The neighbors were interesting today.  #2, who just moved here a few months ago from out of town, the whole family was in the front yard having hysterics this morning.  The water was up maybe 1/3 into their yard.  Then, later, the father was playing with the daughter, holding her over the flood water and pretending to drop her.  She was letting her hands and feet trail in the water. 

Do they know what is in flood water?  I wanted to give her a shot of antibiotics. 

Another neighbor played loud music for a while, and then last, but not least, a pack of teenage boys wandered down the middle of the street, up to their chests in the water, cavorting and talking loudly. 

Get out of the flood water, people. 

Eating: I ate a frozen chicken cordon bleu last night.  I forgot to weigh myself this morning, with the drama.  I ate it's twin for lunch today.  And a protein bar.  Not bad considering the high stress situation.

I also found some sugar free drink mix so bad me, drinking aspartame.  I am trying to stay on plan as much as possible, but I need comfort foods as well. 

So, after I did my God Time I looked around on TV, tried to find something that wasn't catastrophic.  I finally took a nap with Biscuit.  He's a good boy. 

We had a good nap together until Ron fell on the floor again.  I finally got up.,  I have talked to family, social media everyone.  Did the blog. 

Wind is picking up.  Right now the bastard, I feel comfortable using the word, is scheduled to go back to the gulf, strengthen, and come straight up through downtown before it finally goes away. 

I'll be glad to see the end of it. 


Unknown said...

We're thinking of you and Ron, praying for y'all. -Pix

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you. Based on the news I assumed you were flooded. You must be in N.E. Houston?

Delivered said...

THANKS for the update and PLEASE keep us posted. Keeping you in my prayers.

Heather Knits said...

Thank you for the care and prayers.

I'm in NW Houston, near a bayou of all things. God is working, let me tell you.

Anonymous said...

I think you had mentioned a bayou before.
Is the release of the dam waters going to affect you?

Heather Knits said...

I wasn't sure myself, but we seem to be OK so far.

We aren't far from a bayou. Maybe a couple hundred yards.