Saturday, April 20, 2013


Ron and I talked.  To him, my weight is a big deal, but not massive.  I told him I find it hurtful when he goes on like that, and reminded him that weight gain is listed as a side effect on all 3 of my medications.  I don't think he knew that - or had received it.  I understand this is a big deal to him, but I need to figure out what's going on with my lithium level.  I am due to be tested soon.  Once I get my results, I may be able to cut my dose.  If I can cut my dose I will have more energy and motivation; if not I will have to figure out how to work with what I've got. 

I told him I was also battling depression; I am.  My mania lasted quite a while, 6 weeks I think.  It lasted long enough for my family visit, thank God. 

It also means I may have an equally long depression (I didn't tell Ron).  I just said, it's important for me to focus on positive things when I'm battling depression. 

We decided to "take a walk" in the wheelchair.  It turned out to be a good idea.  Some of the neighbors really made us appreciate our near neighbors.  I saw lots of interesting houses and people, got some exercise, fresh air, and companionship. 

I told Ron this would be a good idea to do daily.  He agreed. 

However, I am a little worried about the wheelchair.  After our last "wheelchair" handout, as I pushed him home, we heard an alarming BOING, and the wheelchair shifted alarmingly.  The wheelchair began to wobble.  Today Ron figured out we've lost a spoke. 

This wheelchair has spokes, like a bicycle.  Maybe 30 on each wheel.  Ron says it is fine, we can afford to drive without it. 

"Ron" I told him "I'm worried the wheel will fall off, you'll fall out and hit your head, and bleed everywhere as everyone comes rushing to help.  Then it's off to the emergency room and explaining how this happened." 

He laughed at me, kindly, and told me I have a vivid imagination.  I admit it, I do.  He says we are fine, and if he's wrong he's the one who will suffer. 

But, we made it home again with no problems.  I just pray, if we do lose the chair, it happens close to home. 

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