Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Where's my peanut butter?

Another peaceful night; I'm starting to think they got rid of the dog.  For me, the dog was the #1 issue. 

When I was out in the yard today, I counted, and I have had to patch over 10 holes in the fence.  I hope the homeowner does come by for a look.  Their yard is full of junk, just as I'd written.  [shrug]  I'm a messy person, it doesn't bother me, except I wonder the junk might attract "trashy" people moving into the houses for rent down the block. 

Slept in until about 8:30, for me that's late!  Got up, talked to Ron for a while, took my shower, God Time, the usual. 

By the way, I called Ron and told him about the video blog request.  I asked him to come up with some ideas.  He said he would, and made a few suggestions.  I called him back FORTY FIVE MINUTES LATER and he was still typing up ideas!  Got a little annoyed that I "interrupted" [snort]

EVIL!  My Dr Pepper won't open.  I had to get the vice grips. 

Got it open, happy.  Ron went off to the liquor store, and I got ready for my Day Out.  I decided to take the handcart. 

I went to Foodtown and got my stuff, then went to a bus stop.  I had really good trips all day; it seemed like I hardly waited at all on my bus rides.   One of the things I bought: a small jar of hydrogenated peanut butter.  Like my Dad, I love the stuff.  Unlike my Dad, I'm a "crunchy".  So's Ron. 

I stuffed everything into the handcart.  Good trips all day, like I said.  I heard yet more confirmation about that one bus route - they will be improving it; and like the driver said "The last time gas hit $4 a gallon, it was standing room only on the bus".  Good. 

I got off and went to Starbucks.  I thought about what I might want to do.  I decided to go to the dollar store, and the used bookstore.  I got plenty of trash bags at the dollar store.  I found a couple more "bricks" of used books at the bookstore, so I have about 18 additional books.  I like to have a surplus. 

I always have a worst case scenario going in my head; when I had the Horrible Hives (45% of my body) back in 2009, I was so glad I had lots of inspirational romance novels.  They provided a lovely distraction from the agonizing itch/pain.  I always think we will have some kind of bioterror attack, or end up quarantined, and won't I be glad I had them. 

Horribly depressing, isn't it?  Welcome to my brain. 

Anyway, I happily paid the $9 and left.  Then it was off to the Christian bookstore.  I am a complete vending geek. 

Yesterday at work, I found a Diet Pepsi flavor strip - it has the logo nicely printed.  It sure beat the hand-lettered one in our vending machine, so I actually made a special trip to the bookstore and inserted it.  [laugh]  I am a complete geek.  I also checked the machine and verified it was happy and did not require servicing. 

I'm happy now, knowing it has a "proper" label.  After that, I was pretty tired.  I had considered maybe Walmart but not with the hand cart.  So I went home.  I did have one longer wait going home. 

Now I'm debating, cleaning and organizing, or taking some time to just relax?  I don't know.  I would like to get the sink cleaned.  I also need to move a bunch of winter stuff into the garage, and sort through my yarn and figure out what I'm selling. 

I'd give it away, but I'd rather make sure someone will value it. 

Oh, and the title?  I was hunting all over for my peanut butter.  I found it with my Bible, in the handcart.  Then I couldn't find my soda! 

I can certainly feel a "lack" in the organizational ability at times. 

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