Thursday, April 7, 2011

I can't do a video blog tonight, he keeps lurking around. 

I wasn't even planning on talking about him, but I feel very uncomfortable doing one in front of him.  1.  I never know what he'll say.  [His latest thing is yelling the terrorist cry now and then "Just for fun"]   and 2.  He wants everything to be about him; and feels fairly threatened by the blog.  It revolves around me. 

Huh, seems to have left me alone.  Having a little trouble with the camera now. 

He kept shouting at me and telling me it was all my fault, because I "wouldn't communicate".  Then accusing me of "trying to dominate him"  and how he wished I wasn't in his life. 

Oh, we could work on that.  I told him "Why don't I just move out?"  Big time freakout. 

Basically, I couldn't leave him because he is disabled.  I said, you don't need me.  You can get an employee for the business and a home health aide.  YOU DON'T NEED ME. 

You can guess how that went.  He is convinced; that *I* need to "work harder on communicating".  AGH. 

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