Saturday, April 9, 2011

Annoyance of the day

I'm feeling just a tad cranky today.  My period is late, again.  I have to assume I am premenopausal, which is fine, I would never want to have a child with bipolar disorder.  It is a terrible burden to carry - not to mention the fact that I am a carrier for severe immune deficiency. 

Not only that, yesterday's Bad Thing (the cookies I mention in the video) triggered a nasty headache. 

Now, all that said, I'm working on having a good day.  It's hot, it's oppressively humid.  I hope it rains.  We're running the air conditioner.  All quiet on the home front.  Yay. 

However, I read something today that really pushed my button.  I don't know about you, but when someone misquotes the Bible that makes me very angry. 

I was on a message board, and she said the Bible said something about "Bow to no man".  I know that's a steaming bucket full of... I have read my Bible from cover to cover, more than once. 

I very politely asked her to please quote the book, chapter, and verse, as I had never read that.  I "suggested" she might have been referring to idols - we are told many times over not to worship idols (which could be, these days, anything like money, fame, celebrity, political power, etc.).  "Did you mean, don't worship idols?"  I queried. 

Oh yeah, she replied.  The Bible talked about don't worship idols... which she had perverted to say "Don't bow to any man".  I almost quoted Revelation chapter 22 at her - where God says if you add to the Bible, you will have the Revelation plagues added to you, but refrained. 

I have learned some measure of discretion.  That's one reason I do read my Bible every day, so I can call people like that on misquotes.  I am sure a lot of people would have read that, thinking it WAS in the Bible.  But it isn't.  In fact, it says clearly we are to respect our leaders and pray for them. 

I had a little trouble with that one, as I am not a fan of our current leader - but God told me to pray, so I do, and I mean it.  I really want him to have good guidance and discretion as he leads our country. 

Anyway, that was my annoyance of the day.  Not a large one, happily. 

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