Friday, April 19, 2024

Interesting ride to work

 I knew it was trouble when I saw the white woman with the luggage at the transit center.  In my experience the white passenger falls into a couple of categories:  the addicted homeless, the mentally ill, the disabled.  You just don't see "normal" whites on my route so I go on alert when I see them 

Sure enough she pitched a fit on the bus screaming racist profanity and making very derogatory remarks about black people.  

The older black man and I on the bus had been chatting, mainly him bitching about the high cost of living.  We continued it with me cheerfully relating the tale of Biscuit as he laughed.  She didn't like that much but shut up.  Unfortunately she got off at the store so I may see her later 

Then there was the drunk white woman in a dress staggering as she moved around the bus, but she didn't fall.  

The bus got crowded.  I was sitting in one seat with my bag in another seat which I have done a good 10 years since I sat with a very creepy white (!) man who put his hand on my knee - intentionally - and called me "Little Heather". I couldn't get off that bus fast enough.  

So this greasy obese woman gets on and is standing over me on the bus.  I ignored her.  She poked me rudely and said "You need to move your bag". She was not clean and she would have spilled over into my seat.  She was not disabled either. 

I said "No I don't" and put my headphones back.  She went and sat with a black lady telling her "I am so much better than other people from Guatemala because I don't have Indian blood" so she was a racist too.

There was a guy on the bus with one leg completely wrapped up in clean bandages and the other leg covered with fresh road rash like Ron had after his accident.  I am guessing a motorcycle wreck?  I gave him my stick and he was happy to get it.  Poor guy that is going to be a painful few months.  

Now I'm at work.  That's it for now.  

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