Sunday, April 21, 2024

I am trying to cut back on the gossip

 I have lived next to #6 for 20 years.  Overall they are very quiet, no fights, as a rule no loud music.  Unless they are having a party then it is yelling and loud music all night.  Especially Christmas eve although they did stop that one in 2020 for COVID.  

Every few years they get a small dog, keep it for a few to several months, get rid of it, get another dog a few years later.  Biscuit and Gravy used to go next door and play with "Luna".  It was really cute to watch.  Their first home must have had a small dog.  

One night only he hired a mariachi band.  Ron and I figured he made some sort of mistake and hired them to apologize, but he never did it again.  

So, overall, quiet, butthead party animals when they have a party but OK as a neighbor.  (I am focusing on the noise issues right now).  

Last night I heard him outside.  He was ENRAGED bellowing in Spanish.  I have never heard him that angry ever.  I heard another voice, I think one of the kids, whine/yell/crying back at him.  I think it was about the dog but the only thing I got was "su hermano" which means "your brother".  

I have never, ever, heard him that angry.  You know my life with Ron; I never even heard Ron that angry.  I didn't think it merited calling the police, after all he was just yelling, he has 6 teenagers and a wife in a small house.  

I don't know what happened but I did hear the dog this morning.  I thought maybe the dog peed on something, or chewed it.  I guess not.  

I don't mind the dog, actually, she (?) keeps the cats amused.  

I was very embarrassed last night (gossiping about myself).  When I took my business/accounting classes in the late 90's I had a solid 3.2 average.  I was a master at making an Excel Spreadsheet, a Powerpoint, etc.  

When Ron came to Texas he did not know Excel, I taught him myself, well enough that he wrote his own spreadsheets for the business and kept the books for 18 years.  I was pretty proud of myself.  

And I forgot all of it.  I couldn't remember =SUM to save my life and could not get the formulas to work, Dad's wanting spreadsheets and I had to manually crunch the numbers and then input.  

I figured out enough today that I was able to get the spreadsheets in accessible form.  So I'm happy.  


Anonymous said...

WTF? Why would your dad require spreadsheets from you?

Heather Knits said...

I needed help.

I am very embarrassed to admit that.

He happily did it but said he would require me to open my finances. Which I've done.

Anonymous said...

Has he told you to cut back on giving people free food and water and candy?

Heather Knits said...

He was actually more worried about what I was spending on the cats. LOL

I only spent about $25-30 on what I termed "gifts"

Anonymous said...

Good grief a spreadsheet for household expenses. I'm sure your "gifts" are more than $25. That's still too much just to boost your ego. I would also say snacks and drinks for yourself thinking you're going to starve to death, it's also why you're fat. As for the cats you probably overbuy because you're afraid you'll run out.

BTW did you ever go to the doctor or make a new appointment?

Heather Knits said...

Well, let's address each point:
Evangelism expenses were about $100 for the month. But actual gifts was really just buying snacks for the bus driver when I go to the grocery store (a few dollars each time) and then cold bottles of water for my cleaner-eating cab driver. When I go to the bank tomorrow I plan to buy them a bag of Fun Size Snickers and that will be another $4.

I am fat because I eat too many carbs, and I eat for emotional reasons not just when I'm hungry. I also eat at work out of fear of being hungry later if I don't eat. And I have a hard time saying no to "free" food if they put out donuts in the break room.

Cats I only spend about $40 a month on food, not worried about that.

The doctor's clinic was not where I was told, it was far away from me almost out of the county. So that is out. The cab fare would be horrific. I have called the doc in the box Ron and I have used for some time but keep getting voicemail on the scheduling line.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had $125 a month to throw away.

The amount for three cats is reasonable

Anonymous said...

$25 a month on strangers is ridiculous that's 1/4 of a decent food $100 for evangelism. I don't see your dad as helping the situation since he only wants you to stop.feeding your cats or get rid of them. Since the neighbors feed your cats I dont even see why your cat food budget is $40 a month. I hate to see what your cab and uber runs you a month, especially since you over tip.

Heather Knits said...

I buy my clothes on clearance (like $3 jeans there are some perks to working there) or the thrift shop. That saves a lot.

My utilities combined were about $120 as well.

Evangelism is extraordinarily important to me.

Anonymous said...

Then what's the problem? You have no mortgage, no car payment and your phone and electric are not that much. Obviously you are having a problem budgeting since you need dad's help. What's his solution?

Heather Knits said...

Ruthless forensic accounting. Then a budget

Anonymous said...

Please get a grip you don't need forensic accounting. You have one income and are the person responsible for all your over spending.

Why would your dad making a budget for you ensure that you stuck to that budget? People have tried to get you to call and get a new service provider for internet and phone which could save you 50% and you refuse to even do that. Why don't you tell your dad about that?

You were buying tons of clothes (on clearance yes but still these add up) when you were losing weight and now most of those clothes don't fit because you gained weight again.

You refuse to see that buying candy and food for people when you make very little is foolish on your part and you won't stop that.

Dad is just wasting his time if he is not going to be ruthless and tell you where you need to cut and how to live within your means.

You intentionally make your life harder than it has to be and complain about it and won't see that you are the problem.

Heather Knits said...

I already know it's the work spending. Dad is going to work on lowering my Internet when he gets here. I have a refurbished in 2019 Windows 7 computer so I don't really need high speed.