Friday, April 5, 2024

I have decided to stay single

 The younger guy at work asked for my number and I gave it to him.  Then he was texting me stuff like "T9" which I had to have him explain.  Apparently he is more interested in the physical side of things and I am nowhere near that.  So I had to shut him down.  I think I did.  

It is as very uncomfortable and embarrassing for me.  I have a good life, yes it is a little lonely but it is predictable.  

For my bus ride today we had a guy with gold teeth dressed in solid red from head to toe, drinking generic brand Irish Cream out of a bottle on the bus.  He was pretty restrained though.  

One of the other drivers, from a route I don't take but give candy to, said he had been thinking about me and was genuinely sorry I wasn't riding his bus.  I thought that was sweet.

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

So what does T9 mean?

Heather Knits said...

Apparently that I am hot and he wants me.

When I am working I wear a very unflattering blue vest, you have seen it every time you go to Walmart. I also carry a couple bottles of diet Dew in my vest because I am always thirsty so that adds another 40 pounds to my figure making me look almost 300 pounds. There is NOTHING hot about that.

He never saw me with my vest off.

I have to think he liked my butt? At any rate he was calling lust "love" and it scared the crap out of me. He hasn't bothered me though.