Saturday, April 6, 2024

I did it!

I'm glad I went; I woke up with a brutal migraine. Excedrin, cold Diet Dew, hot shower took a little of the edge off but not much. I did my shower and God time and decided to at least prep the Bibles.

When I hand out a Bible it has a tract in it (at least one) and a hand written index card with a message I am praying for them daily. For the whole Bibles I had a tract on how to pray, a tract on "Read your Bible in a year" (breaks it into a few chapters a day), a salvation tract.

For the New Testaments I had the index card and a salvation tract. I did up a total of 75 today. A milk crate of Spanish, a milk crate of English. The milk crates fit great in my cart and are easy to remove.

I thought, at the end of it, I don't feel like I'm going to die now. I think I can get this to the bus stop, ride the bus, stand out in the sun for a couple hours waving at cars and holding my sign. So I went.

The first bus two people got on about halfway to my stop in Acres Homes (De Soto and Antoine). The woman was very critical about my Bibles, my cart, etc. Then the man asked me for money. I said no but I offered them a Bible, which they refused.

I got off and it was a little slow at first even though it was after 12. Now they have a large group of "young men" often dressed in red, on the corner opposite where I work. They sell something (?) out of car trunks, stand around loitering, talk loudly, mill around in packs. I don't ask any questions and try not to notice them. They don't bother me. They were facing me today so I saw them every time I turned to the south side of the intersection. I didn't want to attract *their* attention but I did want the north bound cars to see what I had to offer; and some cars did stop going north.

It was very windy; the last time it was this windy the cart actually blew out into the intersection, so I left one case of Bibles in the cart and that worked well. The weather was nice so a lot of people had windows down. A lot of people had deeply tinted windows you couldn't even tell if there was a human in there, none of them wanted Bibles. But the open window crowd a fair amount of them accepted a Bible if I walked up and showed it to them. My sponsors send me really nice looking Bibles that appeal to the recipients.

As before, Spanish was CRAZY. I gave it all away and I had like 30. I had a lot of Latinos looking at me out a window and I would yell "Yo tengo Espanol" (I have Spanish) and they would wave me over. I would ask "Cuantos" (how many) and they would tell me.

One older gentleman actually walked over to me from somewhere and asked if he could have a Bible. He had a heavy Spanish accent so I gave him a Spanish. He looked at it and very apologetically asked for another one, "For my friend".

I told everyone I would be praying for them and it's on those index cards as well. I think the most I gave away at a time there was a whole carload of Spanish women who took 5.

After an hour I had given away about half and at 90 minutes I gave away the last Spanish. I had several English New Testaments left so I wrapped it up and caught the bus.

I went to the taco truck near the grocery store and got a quesadilla which I have not eaten yet. They are delicious, then I got a few groceries including more candy to hand out.

I very seldom give Bibles to kids unless it is Halloween or they are in a car with a parent and they all want Bibles. But there was a young man about 10 at the grocery store kept looking at my hat "Ask me for Free Bibles" and the cart "Free Bibles" sign on the front and looking at me. The third time he came by I gave him a New Testament, he said thank you and started paging through it. I booked it out of there as I did not want an irate parent kicking my teeth in!

Then I came home! A case of Bibles on the porch!

Now time for that quesadilla!  


Anonymous said...

Imagine evangelizing all the illegals we're letting in. That'll sure backfire on the enemy.

Heather Knits said...

I am! One Bible at a time!

Anonymous said...

You're gonna hear, "well done, good and faithful servant".

Heather Knits said...

I would LOVE to hear "Come on Heather, let's meet the recipients!" [grin]

I would also like to thank the guy who preached the sermon that got me saved when I was 8.

By the way I am almost out of Spanish so I asked my sponsor for more.