Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 I slept pretty well but woke up with a headache.  A lot of these headaches are related to my medication, the mood stabilizers in particular can be brutal.  But my illness is worse.  

So I got up, took my Excedrin, took care of Ron.  He agreed to start sitting up on the edge of the bed for a while every day.  I want to feel like, eventually, I can get him out of the house quick in an emergency, that I can get him to the doctor, etc.  He was quite amenable and said he did feel better sitting up for a while.  I did some Bible study and helped Ron with some personal care.  

I felt very intelligent I had everything at hand before I started so it was easy to finish.  I did discover I need 4 washcloths and not 3.  But other than that it went perfect.  Ron felt very loved and said I am "wonderful" about helping which is God in me.  

He wouldn't care if I shared this, I will admit it has been odd cleaning his man parts.  I am just not - never did that for him he always did that.  But sometimes vision is required for various bathing tasks so I do it now.  I am fine with that, we are married, his man parts and I have had some very good times.  😂  It is just odd approaching them in a cleaning context but I am getting better at it.  He doesn't complain, and he would, if I wasn't careful so I guess I am doing a good job.  Just something I oddly enough did not expect to do.  After I finished I did a load of laundry but my special detergent booster worked great and everything is spotless.  

I can't wash my underwear in the washing soda and all, it would be very irritating to my privates, so I segregated that all off to the side while I washed the tshirts and towels in the "booster".  

So I am pretty much caught up on clothes.  I will need to wash Ron's fitted sheet tomorrow it is a little tired.  But that isn't too hard.  Practice on home care really does make perfect.  

I think Ron is really surprised I made it this far, but, like I said, God in me.  I would hate to need help and not have it available.  If we don't get raptured before I get feeble I have no idea who will take care of me.  I don't have any close family.  If I get feeble now I don't have anyone.  I will let the social workers figure that one out if it happens.  

I do carry an empty bottle of Ron's seizure medication in my backpack so an Emergency room professional will know I have a seizure patient at home who needs help, if I am unable to talk.  I think about stuff like this.  

Hope I never need to implement any of that.  

So he was happy and I feel like I am giving him good care.  I sat down with the tablet to do my Bible study, I have some of it in Kindle books/Bibles and some of it in paper.  I was doing the electronic.  I was facing a line of 3 litter boxes in my front room.  Every cat likes a different style box.  Biscuit prefers a box with very high sides.  He put his paws up on the edge of it, looked down into the box, clearly unhappy.  I took a look.  Ah.  So I cleaned it out while he went and used another box in the orange room (the most popular box - I actually put it in there because someone kept peeing on the floor there and I took it as a request for a box - once I put the box they only ever used the box from then on).  So I took care of the cats too.  

I had a limited budget yesterday, to say the least, and I thought it was funny some of the stuff I bought: 

6 pack diet Dr (normally I buy a couple of the checkout sodas but they are more expensive than the 6 pack); cream (already have coffee, sweetnener, and filters); yogurt; dressing mix for Ron (he loves rice dressing and it is easy to make); more split peas because Ron can't get enough; canned beans for me; generic brand spaghettios; cheddar cheese ramen; eggs; and bananas.  I have a pretty decent freezer and pantry so I didn't "need" a whole lot.  

I have to go back so I will be buying the cat food then when I pay the electric bill.  Anyway I kept it all under $20 that is a lot of food for us.  Sometimes it's a good challenge to see how cheap I can go.  I didn't have enough money for sales tax, inventory, and electric bill but I should have the electric at least by tomorrow.  And electric isn't due for another week anyway.  Ron's disability is pretty much eaten up in mortgage, cable/internet, and gas bill.  As he used to say you can't get blood out of a turnip.  

He has been very temperate in his drinking lately, in part I believe because he gets dizzy when he does over indulge.  It is very unpleasant for him so he doesn't drink as much.  Which is good because he's not buying it either.  

About the only thing I could really use, aside from the cat food, is one of those 18-packs of the white washcloths I will be looking if I go tomorrow.  I put it on my list.  

Headache is NOT quitting I think I will lie down for a while.  Interestingly it is not hormonal as I just finished my cycle.  I think it's weather related.  

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