Sunday, January 31, 2021

I don't think I ever told you about the birds

 I have always liked birds my whole life.  My childhood home had a lot of songbirds, we enjoyed watching the birds out the windows.  When I was 8 my Dad "let" my stepmother get us a parakeet.  That bird was a lot of fun for us to watch.  She would get on your finger and loved to chew on the frame of my glasses (never hurt the frames).  A sweet little bird.  

She was joined by another bird.  My stepsister had a friend who bred parakeets and also had housecats.  One of the cats got into the bird area and killed most of the birds, except for a white parakeet that came to live with us.  The white bird was always skittish after that.  

I loved to go to the pet store and talk to the birds.  One family member signed me up for BIRD TALK magazine I got that for years.  I loved it.  One of the worst days of my young life, we had moved to CA.  

The school I attended did not have central air so they just had a window unit on each classroom.  The window units were not very efficient.  The units were in metal cages.  One day a poor little sparrow got trapped in the cage but the custodian had the day off, so they basically told me "we are going to let it die there's nothing we can do".  This poor helpless sparrow fluttering... it broke my heart and I cried so hard they sent me home. 

Not long after that I hand caught someone's escaped parakeet that had wandered onto school grounds. I took it home, I wanted to keep it, but my stepmother gave it away.  A year or two later my stepsister attended a graduation party and took me along (had to, I believe) and I was given someone's parakeet in a cage.  That bird was also given away.  About a year after that I was given a lovebird I was also not allowed to keep.  We still had the family parakeets, though.  When it was time for the first family bird to pass, they put the cage in my room.  I discovered her the next day.  Then I caught another escaped parakeet. That one went to the same neighbor as the first one I had caught.  Not my idea.  

I could have just as easily become a bird lady vs. cat lady.  When I moved out, though, Ron and I were discovered by a Siamese mix stray cat with a bad scar on her back.  So I became a cat lady.  

Anyway, I woke up with a horrible, hormonal, migraine today.  I took some Excedrin and went back to sleep and had a very nice dream about birds.  I woke up, I have 5 cats, I'm not bringing a bird into this but I do love them.  So I put on a Youtube track of sparrows singing it is very nice while I work.  

But OH this headache!  

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