Tuesday, January 12, 2021

This headache won't quit

 It was bad enough I had oatmeal for dinner.  And a part of me always wonders if something is bleeding in my head when I have one of these headaches.  I have taken aspirin, Excedrin, and my favorite an aspirin (one tablet each) and a Tylenol with a diet Dr pepper my low caf version of an Excedrin.  The last is actually working fairly well.  

Ron hasn't needed much, happily, I made him some pintos with ham the other night and he loved that.  Seems obvious but eating beans have helped with his "little problem".  Good, neither of us want him backed up.  

And some service can be almost spiritual if I look at it that way, serving God instead of Ron.  Although I would like to think I would do what I do just for Ron.  Happily I have the supplies I need to do a good job by him.  

I did some thinking, I had $20 left on my gift card from my stepsister.  So I decided to buy some more of the decaf coffee we like (Seattle's Best Decaf Portside Blend), and a flavored decaf coffee by another specialty roaster.  It is really hard to find flavored decaf coffee.  And it's only $4 and IT'S NOT MY MONEY so why not?  But I did get the "sure thing" just in case because I know we will drink it.  

I was really disappointed with the HEB Texas pecan coffee I taste nothing outside of a medium/dark roast.  I will drink it because I'm not going to be wasteful but I won't buy it again.  Now their generic brand can coffee wasn't bad.  So I'll get that from Joe V's (HEB spinoff) but not their fancier brand.  

I didn't have ANY coffee today because my headaches HATE coffee.  I find that interesting.  I did drink a fair amount of iced, and peppermint, tea.  I am working on a spearmint right now.  That helps.  

And the shower helped interestingly enough.  Long enough I got everything done.  I am still getting in the habit of applying lotion to my hands, I have never had to apply lotion in over 4 decades.  My skin is just that oily.  But all the handwashing has done a number on them so that, plus homecare (more washing), and just everyday housework, litter box (gotta wash real good after that!), etc. I need lotion now.  I have a hard time remembering so I put the hemp lotion next to my computer.  It's a little sticky but not bad for $1.  I try to put the cocoa butter lotion (also $1, this time at Walmart) on my hands at night but don't always remember.  The cats like a lot of petting when I go to bed but I did research and I should be Ok as long as it is not medicated lotion like the stuff I put on Ron.  

I am just waiting for my hair to dry, if we make enough money I may buy a cheap hair dryer tomorrow if things workout.  It would be nice to go to bed but I hate sleeping with wet hair.  

But I did my shower so I don't have to take it tomorrow, which means I can go back to bed for a while if I want after pill time in the morning.  

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