Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Monday and some of Tuesday

 If I ever had a baby, I would not be able to breastfeed as mental illness meds are excreted in breastmilk and make for a very ill baby.  I'd be dependent on formula.  

I was thinking about this, as, two times this month I've been at a Walmart (different ones) and both times they had very low baby formula.  Disturbing.  It is my understanding it is not good to change up a baby's brand because they can get ill.  

Anyway, yesterday was a day off.  Jack was busy and work needed more time to accumulate sales.  I got ahold of my doc and will have my phone appointment next week (fine as I have medication).  Thank God I finally have his payment in my account.  So he will call in my scripts, all 4 of them.  

I thought maybe I could bundle the scripts and get Ron's and mine at the same time, but he is almost out of Flomax.  So I talked to Ron (he has complained he would like it stronger, but doesn't want to see his doctor - and will keep taking same dose).  I called the pharmacy and they had it ready in like 45 minutes.  Not bad.  It helps Ron takes this stuff by the month so it is easier for them to fill it.  My lithium, for instance, is 270 capsules.  

So I went to Walmart, where I saw the low baby formula, lots of sanitizer on clearance, and bought yet another bag of cat food.  I cackled like a hen when I found my pea protein (store brand) in vanilla.  I cannot do any chocolate due to vicious migraines.  I was proud of myself I didn't buy any garbage snacks.  It helps the pea protein really fills me up.  I used my gift cards.  👍

A pretty uneventful trip except for the little girl sneezing on me in the checkout line.  She was not wearing a mask and busy tearing up the display of candy/gum at the checkout.  That reminds me, I'd better take my herbs.  

They did a study and found that children spread the virus at a rate up to 50x that of a typical adult.  And often have minor symptoms so their parents feel fine taking them out in public.  But this is what one parenting "expert" termed "A strong-willed child" so doubtful they could keep a mask on her.  

But wait, I wasn't done yet.  I went to McDonald's.  While standing in line it dawned on me I had a gift card for that, so I used it.  I got myself a double cheeseburger, one for Ron (his way), and a plain hamburger (for Cleo but I didn't tell them as they always screw it up "for a cat".  "For my daughter" they do it right).  I came home.  Cleo was outside playing so her burger awaits in the fridge.  I will warm it up a little for her when I give it.  

Ron ate about half his burger when I got home.  He had a nutrigrain bar with his pills, I checked the label and they are actually fairly nutritious.  So I have no problem giving one.  

I went to bed pretty early, I was tired.  I had some excitement calling in my soda delivery but got that settled OK.  I hope. I will see what shows up tomorrow.  I have a feeling I will end up with 2 orders.  

We will see, I already arranged my ride to work tomorrow.  I did my God Time both yesterday and today, that's good.  

Tomorrow I never know how long it will be; but I will bring my tablet (in it's case).  I just got a biography of George Muller he was a famous evangelist of the 1800's.  One of his projects he did Bible distribution.  I had the biography in a paperback about 10 years ago but gave it away. I had more highlights in that book than any biography I've read.  No person is perfect but it is important to learn from the past.  I am charging the tablet right now.  

That's it for now.  

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