Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday "God is on the throne"

 I got the electric bill; not unreasonable and, considering, really damned low considering Ron keeps it at 80 and it has been running a lot.  But bills!  

I have to do the electric bill and then sales tax.  I need to calculate how much we owe, probably between $300-400 because sales have been low.  I know God has my back but it is hard not to worry.  

We have been pretty comfortable for a while, about 10 years up until last year, but even most of last year I could get my whole paycheck and cover the bills with no problem until about September.  

But GOD IS ON THE THRONE.  He is not going to let us starve.  I will have to be very careful how I spend the money.  I can do that; I have lived on extreme budgets and have a decent canned pantry.  I will be happy as long as I can get the cat food.  

Then I have some people I know just losing their minds over political events.  I don't care what side you lean: GOD IS ON THE THRONE.  

There is no injustice.  By that I mean everything that happens is the will of God, even the hard stuff if that one gal is still reading.  God can use even that for good if you let Him.  But we have to understand it works for His plan, all of it, even the maniacs running around the Capitol building.  

Is it alarming?  Yes.  If you have faith in man's law, man's rules, even man's constitution you will be disappointed.  I have faith in the God of the Bible and He is bigger than all of this.  

I also believe the rapture is closer than ever so I won't see the long end of this.  Do I deserve to be raptured?  No, but I have faith and I accepted God's offer of grace and redemption.  It's as easy, and as hard, as that.  

The hard part is turning things over to Him, like my budget, Ron's health, even Biscuit's health.  He (Biscuit) could get blocked any time and die.  My parents are older in poor health.  Business is completely dependent on 8 vending machines stocked and working properly, customers having a desire to purchase, etc.  Anything could go wrong with my house at any moment as I found out a year ago.  My sanity is dependent on double handfuls of toxic medication taken twice a day.  

Could I handle all that on my own?  NO.  I do my best to leave all this in His hands.  I have said it before, I don't see how atheists do it.  I do better when I leave it all in God's hands, while doing intelligent things like buying inventory and stocking my machines.  Feeding Biscuit his special food, Ron his seizure and blood pressure medicine, etc.  

By the way, Ron is very impressed with the Colts.  👍 "They're kicking ass!" his statement.  

That's it for now.  

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