Saturday, January 23, 2021

It doesn't make me look good, but I'll share it anyway.

 So today I had planned to go to the bank, do a withdrawal.  This will sound odd but I never make the withdrawals, I do auto pays, checks, etc.  I deal with cash for my business so I tend to have a little cash on hand.  "Bank" money goes in to pay auto pays basically.  

So how do I do this?  Are they going to give me a hard time?  I wasn't sure.  So I decided to wait on taking my morning medication (allergy pill, antidepressants).  

I went to the bank and did my business, went to the store and did a little shopping.  They had the Iams Urinary formula back in stock so I got a bag.  I paid and went outside to wait on my Uber.  

And there was a white guy, looked homeless, about 30.  He was manic and he was raving nonsense about how he was going to kill someone for daring to call the police on him.  It was awful, I felt very uncomfortable because I more than anyone knows the deep levels of CRAZY.  

And I'm standing there thinking, God did it again.  Every time I get sloppy with my medication I run into someone completely of their rocker and a clear danger to society.  Reminds me to get my shit together already.  It is very unpleasant.  

I knew this guy would have no problem beating my head to a pulp if he felt I was judging him in some way.  Because, in the right circumstance, I would do it.  

On a home note "we" had a massive poop blowout last night.  The blanket has to be washed, the sheets were OK because I had the disposable pad on the bed.  I can't endorse those enough.  Quite a bit of cleanup of Ron as well so I need to get all those washcloths.  Ron suggested I buy more and I did!  So I have a couple loads of laundry today but I will do it.  

I did not sleep well last night, Ron woke me up a couple times - but I wasn't going to leave him like that all night.  I can sleep tonight.  I got a couple of Dew Zeroes.  I like them because they don't have aspartame, which messes with my blood sugar.  I got a couple six packs too.  And more orange juice.  I love that stuff.  

I ALSO got more of the oregano oil capsules.  I take one everytime I go out and so far, so good.  I am also taking elderberry capsules as well - just one, every day I go out.  I need to take a zinc lozenge later.  Anyway they are only $7.  Don't take with a carbonated beverage or you will have "flavorful" burps.  I am used to it but it takes a while.  

Anyway your call.  

Ron also encouraged me to put a little money in my account when he found out I had $20.  I like to think I am happy with a little but it is nice to have a little more; I can do my phone appointment and get my prescriptions next week.  

I sure don't want to end up like that guy.  I wonder how long until he ends up in prison.  

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