Thursday, January 7, 2021

Accident Day

 If you do a January 7 search you will find a LOT of rage and pain.  About 6:15 in the morning, 18 years ago,  Ron got run over by a reckless driver who was talking on a cell phone and admitted to running a red light.  He actually told one of our employees "I ran the light, I am so sorry".  

If ONLY "sorry" made everything better (facepalm).  

Well, Ron is pretty much immobile now.  Pain issues are better thank God.  But he is f#cked up but good.  I try not to swear in here.  But I am here, he has me if nothing else.  I would wish he had someone with a good brain, could drive, and made more money but this is what we have.  

I had a hard time getting up this morning and am only now (evening) about to do my devotionals and Bible study.  I think it could have helped some if I had read them earlier but I do what I can.  And I had a very hard time getting up.  

I am beginning to agree with Ron that I need a hair dryer, it was very cold this morning and wet hair in an icy breeze is not fun unless I am having a hot flash!  😂 I did notice I was able to get away with a light jacket. 

We went to Sam's and then work.  I stocked, things had been pretty slow PRAISE GOD they had canned Coke for a change.  The customers were fairly pleasant that was nice, everything was working, etc.  Not a bad day, and kept me busy.  I had a lot of stocking - and the nice thing the machines will be working day and night all weekend while I take care of Ron and the cats at home.  

I called Jack and we went to Little Cesars again, I had another gift card.  This time I got the pepperoni pizza and the lunch special, which was a small pizza and a bottled soda (diet).  I could have eaten half the special and been full but I didn't have room in the fridge.  And that is a good place to be when the fridge is full of good things to eat.  

I took my pills early, figured I could use them especially today, and took a nap.  I had a very nice nap with the 2 boy cats.  They were super cute and cuddly, and left me enough room to move around in bed.  They are good boys.  I had a good time talking to them and petting them when I got up.  

Ron has an itch issue I need to look at that.  If it were me I would probably just do the tea tree oil but Torbie does sleep with him so that's out.  Not to mention he would never agree to the smell.  Worst case I may need to run to Walmart tomorrow and get some spray.  We'll see.  He wanted to sleep and have me look at it later so it can't be too bad.  

I haven't got the belt yet they told me it would be coming later which is fine.  I don't need it "today".  Awww, a new horizon with Cleo, she put her front paws up on my leg as I sat in my chair, wanting pets.  Next thing you know she will be getting in my lap.  

She will walk on me in bed because it is safe but not when I am up.  That's OK she can take it at her pace.  She is still an awesome little cat.  Well, not so little these days.  Who else is feeding her?  I won't know for sure until God comes back.  

Speaking of that, a lot of really alarming and stupid talk online today.  We don't need to "take" anything "back".  God is on the throne, it doesn't matter who is in the White House.  Stupid talk just gets you on a watch list.  

And don't get me wrong I have a theory a domestic terror group was behind the Capitol Hill thing, but I'm not going to name it, because then "Heather was talking about terror groups on her blog".  See how easily that happens?  Nope, not me.  

I feel bad for Jack, he is a Democrat and thinks things will get better now, which I really doubt, but I don't say anything.  I am learning to keep my mouth shut pretty laterally across my life.  

That's it for now, I will go check the mail.  

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