Sunday, June 24, 2018

"You have a very nice wife"

A day off. 

I slept in as late as I could, until 8.  Mom was right to call me "Earlybird" when I was a kid. 

I woke up with a headache.  I took some fake Excedrin and took my shower.  I did most of my God Time and bagged up candy. 

For those who don't know, I hand out bags of candy with tracts and/or scripture booklets on a daily basis, to pretty much everyone I can.  No one is safe.  Servers.  Tellers.  Drivers, just to name a few.  I go through a lot of candy.  I carry it in the backpack on the back of Ron's wheelchair, he is OK with that. 

So, I got all that done and our ride came.  Ron wanted to go to Chilis.  I always get the ultimate bacon burger and he decided to try it today.  He got his with everything, and I got mine with no sauce.  I don't like the sauce they use. 

In keeping with my "better eating yes I can do this every day" plan I ordered a mixed greens salad, and ate it.  I got Ron to eat a bite.  That's all I got out of him, but it's a bite more than he would have eaten.  The plan is to eat a salad, and a cooked green, every day.  I am eating something green 'most every day so that is working, at least. 

The last thing we need is me sick. 

We had a good meal and talked.  It is nice being around Ron when he is sober, or at least not very drunk.  He reminds me why I married him. 

After our meal Ron got them to "fix" our pickup so we only waited about 20 minutes instead of almost an hour, like they were going to do. 

We got picked up by a very nice Egyptian man.  I thanked him in Arabic, he was impressed.  He liked his candy and was good about putting up the wheelchair. 

If they had a dollar for every wheelchair they put up, they'd be rich. 

We had a straight ride home, very nice.  I gave him directions on the back way so he would save gas.  The contracted cabs have to buy their own gas. 

When we got home, the driver made a point of telling Ron how lucky he was to have such a good wife, I was so nice, good to Ron, etc.  I smiled and thanked him.  Ron said he knew he was lucky to have me - remember that, Ron.  I didn't say that but I thought it. 

We came in the house.  I had been washing a load of towels all morning.  Ron and I were ruined by my time working at a linen shop.  Up to that point, we used cheap sheets and towels. 

After my first encounter with a combed Egyptian cotton towel, I was converted.  I started buying nicer sheets and towels when I could afford it. 

When Ron did his training in Austin, they put him up at a residential hotel.  The hotel had typical cheap, rough, hotel towels.  I bought him a nice combed cotton towel, which he still owns.  It was looking a little grubby after his last bath, though, so I washed it today, along with my towel. 

I decided to soak it with some stain remover/enzyme, then wash it with All, and then do an extra rinse with some vinegar.  They came out very nice and I have them in the dryer.  It's a little work but it's done now.  Now Ron will have a nice, fresh, towel for his next bath (tomorrow, because we see a doctor on Tuesday). 

We get hard water stains on the towels, they are a sickly yellow.  Scary to think I am drinking that water. 

Scarier to think the CATS are drinking that water. 

Tomorrow will be busy, we are going to work, stocking etc., running some errands, and then coming home.  It will be a long day for the both of us.  Hopefully Ron planned it so he has some time to lie down in between. 

He says his back is pretty awful, all the time, now.  He has, per an X-ray report, severe disc disease and severe degenerative arthritis.  Plus God only knows what else. 

I hate to see him in pain.  He really thinks vodka is the only thing that helps. 

I would love it if he saw a pain specialist, but I do not believe he would be abstinent in his alcohol use - and that would drastically affect the pain meds.  He could end up falling and cracking his head, and then he'd bleed all over because he's on blood thinners. 

Sadly, Ron has it in his head that the next dose of blood thinners will only cost him $235.  I wish.  Unless it goes generic (come Lord Jesus!), it will be another $470.   I am hoping we can get some samples from the hematologist, Tuesday. 

He isn't even that far from us, that's the interesting thing about Houston, you can find a medical specialist in close proximity to most neighborhoods. 

I have a thread ongoing about things with Ron, on a message board.  One guy on the board was throwing verbal rocks at me.  Someone sent me a message warning me he was a "troll" and liked to attack people.  She (I think it was a woman) suggested I block him.  So I did. 

I didn't feel like I was missing anything, especially when he found my thread and started attacking me.  It is so bad others are defending me.  Sometimes they quote him and what I see reminds me why I blocked him.  I quoted Matthew 5:44 at him and said, compared to what I had forgiven in my past, it was easy to forgive a bully. 

He responded to that, I don't know what he said because he's blocked, but I doubt it is a message of conviction and repentance. 

It's just tedious. 

The cats are good, Torbie has a new thing at night when I lie down.  She gets on my chest and purrs while I pet her.  If I stop petting her she paws my face until I start again.  It's very cute.  I haven't seen much of Biscuit, but he does lie by my computer chair like he's doing now.  It's pretty cute, but it makes it tricky to get out. 

This room has me in a u shaped configuration.  The exercise bike is on my right, and extends back a couple of feet.  On my left, I have the furniture holding the computer off the floor.  It was originally a bedside table.  I stained it myself during my epic wood staining mania back in 2006, a few months before my diagnosis. 

So I only have a narrow outlet, and guess where I can find Biscuit?  Yup, in that narrow spot next to my chair.  But he's so cute I don't have the heart to move him.  I just hope and pray I never step on him.  He's pretty cute. 

My favorite is when he's lying on his back, showing me his fat tummy, and I rub it.  That's my favorite.  Baby Girl will do that sometimes with me, but never Torbie. 

But I don't know what happened to Torbie in her early years, or at the shelter, so I don't hold it against her.  She's still an awesome cat. 

I'm a little hungry.  I'm going to go eat some pepperoni. 


Anonymous said...

I pulled my back out yesterday just getting out of the car and it is excruciating. The last time I did this was 10 years ago.

You never think about your back until it hurts like hell. Moving, walking, lying down, getting up, it all hurts so much. I am grateful the over the counter back meds worked this time for me. Depending on what you have injured sometimes pain meds don't even get rid of the pain.

I can't imagine having this pain magnified times 10 or more like Ron does and I now understand his desire to drink and escape.

Would a pain clinic help him? Maybe. But for him it is more psychological too as it is how he copes with it and with his condition I don't think that it would remove the pain 100% and how do you handle living with pain that is a 5 rather than a 10 but it never will go away?

Being in this pain I am very empathetic for what he is going through. Thank you for loving him through the pain and the ugly. Though I would not fault you if you had to leave him to save yourself either.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, it wasn't great even before the accident, it's a lot worse now. He has a odd back condition which causes his vertebrae to mess up, had that since he was a teen, on and off troubles. Then about 3 years ago it got bad and stayed bad. All I can do is love him.

Thank God he can still get to the bathroom.

I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I doubt opioid pain medications would be a good idea for a major alcoholic. If he ever went to the pain clinic if it were me I would never allow him to be prescribed an opioid. Ther are other pain med options. He would 100% become addicted and die addicted to opioids, guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

"There are other pain med options. He would 100% become addicted and die addicted to opioids, guarantee it. "

NO with back pain opioids are really the only thing that will touch that type of pain AND even then depending on the back pain and cause they won't even do that. My husband had a ruptured disk and the chiropractor made in 1000 times worse. The only thing the vicodin did was allow him to pass out for maybe 15 minutes at a time. Went to an ortho and he said only surgery would help. Luckily we had no insurance so we had to find other solutions and found a book called Treat your Own Back by Robin Mackenzie and this is what saved him. Within a week the pain was subsiding and he was able to taper off the meds.

We are all going to die eventually why does anyone have to be in excruciating pain before it happens? He will die addicted to alcohol so which option would be better? On pain meds with no pain and on them for life or alcoholism and dying in pain?