Friday, June 1, 2018

Am I ever getting home?

Long day.  I didn't sleep well last night, and woke up when I heard something (we all know who) under my bed, moving around.  Torbie was in bed with me and didn't move at all. 

The way a cat carries on when you bring another cat around, I expected a ruckus, at least, some confrontation, some drama.  But the cats ignore it and it ignores the cats. 

I finally got up and took my shower.   Ron woke up on his own, he was OK.  He liked the larger t-shirt, the fact it is easier to dress with it. 

I fed the cats and checked their water, and off we went to work.  We stocked, I helped Ron a lot.  At least he acknowledged it and was nice about it. 

We got to work around 4 AM.  We got all the stocking done (everything we could do) and waited.  And waited.  No delivery. 

Before Dr Pepper was sold to a coffee company, we could expect a delivery around 6:30 and be out of there pretty soon afterward.  But no, the coffee company wasn't content with raising our prices, they also decided to fire our favorite driver and "restructure" the warehouse. 

The new guy is trying really hard, and I like him, but he didn't get there until well after 9.  I had to listen to "The View" on the company television (I can't turn it off, I'd get in trouble, can't change the channel because people were watching).  I hate that show. 

Ron laid down in a secluded hallway. . Then he started complaining about being cold so I covered him with a blanket. 

I had to endure the View saying it was "OK" for someone to call a woman a c*&t because "she said she was sorry" but it wasn't OK for Roseanne to make her comment, even though she also said she was sorry, and took it down.  Finally, a phone call. 

He was right around the corner.  I went outside and watched him unload the other vendor's delivery for a while (I was OK being second), got my cart, and came back.  Ron, still "cold", blew up my cell phone calling me and leaving messages and texts.  He put up the sleeping bag and went outside, but he took the backpack (on the back of the wheelchair), containing the checkbook, with him.  I had to call him to get the checkbook back. 

Our driver was very nice, and mellow, worked his butt off putting away the soda.  I paid him and got him a snack, and he left. 

Finally, we could go home.  Ron called to take the ride off of hold.  He had to basically suspend our ride home because the delivery was late.  It was about 10. 

Ron called again at 10:15.  Oh, they never took your ride off of hold, I'll do it now.  That went on for an hour, even with talking to supervisors. 

I will spare you all the details.  A van finally shows up 2 hours after Ron's first call, but it goes in the wrong driveway, in direct opposition to our directions in the notes.  She finally figures it out and comes to us. 

I was sitting outside during all of that.  Ron was outside but I put him in some shade, out of the way. 


Then she couldn't get the lift to work.  Turns out, she forgot to press a button.  That took more time.  She took the scenic route to get to the Beltway, and then she missed our exit.  It had gotten to the point where I just surrendered to the day, and let it roll over me. 

Ron was pretty cranky, waiting, not that I really blame him.  He was in a pretty good mood (for him) up until then.  The nice thing, I was sitting far away so he couldn't yell at me or complain. 

We got in the house.  I needed my medication.  It was well after 12:30.  I ate some cottage cheese and took my meds.  Ron got into the vodka, and for once, I couldn't blame him. 

I took a nap.  I heard him talking loudly on the phone but he didn't bother me.  I hope he remembered to do our trips for tomorrow, it's past the deadline. 

I had a pretty good nap but I woke up with a headache.  I felt pretty rested for only getting two and a half hours. 

The doorbell rang.  Bibles.  I need to put the cats up and bring the Bibles in the house. 

I also need to check the mail and see if Ron got more talking books.  I'd love to say I have tomorrow off, but I don't.  I need to get supplies with Jack. 

A note about Chuck, apparently the truck is dead for now.  It was about 20 years old.  It needs a multi-thousand dollar overhaul, and, last I heard, he was thinking it might just be cheaper to buy a new truck. 

That is one nice thing for me.  If I hadn't been with Ron, I saw 4, #6, buses go past work today.  I can always call a cab.  I don't have to pay for gas, maintenance, or repairs.  I just get to get in the vehicle and go.  I have to wait outside in the sun, when it feels like 100 degrees in the shade, but I save a lot of money. 

I know a lot of people in CA used to ride the commuter train and buses, even though they could drive, just because it was cheaper.  The cost of living there was astronomical. 

Ron's asleep right now, he will probably wake up after I go to bed.  Lately he's been quiet and "letting" me sleep.  If he doesn't, I am very clear about the consequences of that - bad mood control, inability to work, etc. 

Off I go.  I think I'm going to eat some tuna before I put the cats up and bring in the Bibles. 

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