Wednesday, June 6, 2018


I slept badly last night.  But Biscuit joined me and he was very cuddly.  Torbie, the traitor, was nowhere to be found.  Probably in front of her fan! 

I woke up at 6:30 with a bad headache, but I had to go to the hospital.  I took some Excedrin and laid back down for a while.  When I felt better, I got up. 

I took a shower and shaved my legs.  I wanted to look mature, responsible, and presentable.  I got dressed and did my God Time.  Ron called in the middle of that, he was enjoying his breakfast and feeling like a king.  He was really enjoying the care, but worried about the bill at the hospital. 

I finished up and called a cab.  I got a really nice latino driver.  I told him a little about Ron and he thought I was the most amazing woman.  I told him we take care of each other, and we do in a lot of ways. 

I got to the hospital and found him.  He was a little cranky, as he had just figured out his Medicare copay.  I hung out with him through the morning, his lunch, and the visit from the Doc. 

Doc said no blood clots in the lungs, yay!  Ron said he wanted to go home.  Doc said if I filled a prescription for the blood thinners he would send Ron home tomorrow.  I'm to present the bottle to Doc tomorrow and then Ron will apparently get his discharge papers. 

Doc left and Ron called Chuck to take me to Walmart.  We fill all our prescriptions at the one Walmart, it is easier.  Chuck was happy to take me, and very nice about it.  We also gave him some gas money. 

They filled the prescription pretty quick and I asked specifically about alcohol.  They said moderate use was OK, the concern was excessive use might cause an ulcer which would cause him to "bleed out". 

I bought a few little things for me, and we left, going back to Ron.  I told Ron what the pharmacist said.  He wanted to "look" at the bottle.  He likes that it is square shaped, unlike his other prescription bottles.  I had to tell him about the dosing maybe 5 times, I still don't know if he got it.  Worst case I will dole them out to him every 12 hours.  He'll get it. 

I hung out with Ron for a while yet.  I got there about 10 this morning and left about 7:15.  When I left, he called me a cab.  The dispatcher got some of the info wrong but the cab still found me.  He was a very nice Indian man.  We talked about life insurance (he wants to buy some) on the way home. 

It's about a $20 ride from my house to the hospital, if you wondered.  Of course I gave a good tip, too. 

When I got out I noticed the yard had been done.  It looked great.  Good.  It looked pretty mangy when I left this morning.  Thank you, yard guys. 

The cats jumped me when I got in the house.  They are not used to being left for more than a few hours at a time.  I gave them some treats. 

I set my alarm for tomorrow and filled up the water bottle on my bedside table.  I did some organizing things and checked the cat food (they didn't eat it all, so they don't get more). 

Doc said he would be there in the afternoon so I don't need to worry about getting to the hospital at the crack of dawn tomorrow.  I know some docs like to make very early morning rounds, happily this one doesn't. 

OK, I'm going to go do fun things for a while and go to bed.  It is nice to play my music louder than normal (but still not audible to the neighbors), since Ron isn't here.  That is fun.  Ron hates my music so I normally keep it at a pretty low level. 

Not tonight!  (But still not being an asshole). 


Anonymous said...

So does Ron have a diagnosis? Send the alcoholic home with some meds he could bleed out on (drinking with Tylenol didn’t stop him) and that’s it?

Did you tell the Latino driver that Ron takes care of you by way of routine verbal abuse?

Spankadoo said...

I am worried as I know you are that Ron on blood thinners drinking? Will be a cautastrophe waiting to happen

Please ask for someone to come if he is resistant to complying with Drs orders than call and get help if you need it this is HUGE

No matter how isolated you feel in this world Heather please know there are others just like you out there and there is not a darn thing wrong with reaching outside your nest to get yourself the help you need in this.